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More signs of spring

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,544
edited March 2020 in Candy Friends Stories

Tiffi is really noticing so many wonders of spring. She never gave much thought to the trees blossoming. Blossom is a sign of winter receding and the promise of a harvest to come. Associated with the spring blossom are ornamental fruit trees such as cherries, plums and apples.

She never knew that frogs hibernate but there it is in black and white on Google. Frogs and toads spawn in the spring. The adult frogs come out of hibernation congregating at ponds to breed. 

Up above her she hears a honking sound. It’s a bunch of geese. Nature is at its busiest in spring, with millions of migrant birds returning for the summer to breed. She looks up snow geese to learn more about them.  

Birds migrate to move from areas of low or decreasing resources to areas of high or increasing resources. The two primary resources being sought are food and nesting locations. Birds that nest in the Northern Hemisphere tend to migrate northward in the spring to take advantage of burgeoning insect populations, budding plants and an abundance of nesting locations. (Info here)

Oh Wow! Look at that field of daffodils. Mother Nature keeps them under a blanket of snow-covered soil until the lengthening days and warming sun signal the time for spring flowers. 

Let's continue with the next part of our story – The Wonders of Spring

Start at the beginning of the story – Springtime in Candy Town

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