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Jean-Luc falls into the Candy Kingdom

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,544
edited April 2020 in Candy Friends Stories

The little boy is not aware that the bolt of light that appeared in his room magically spun Jean-Luc and lifted him off the shelf. He fell into the Candy Kingdom as a regular toy soldier, but was quickly turned to life by the imagination, love, and magic that characterizes the Kingdom. Ever since, he has been in an everlasting Christmassy kind of mood! 

“Where am I?” says Jean-Luc. 

He looks down at his hands and moves his hand. He cannot understand what’s going on. He was just a little wooden toy soldier how could his hands move? Next he wiggles his fingers. They move! He looks at his feet and somehow they look different. He has no clue where he is, nor is he aware that he has fallen into the Candy Kingdom. But he feels so different. He begins to take some steps and that almost freaks him out. He is no longer a toy solider. He decides to take a little walk to find out where he is.

He sees a little toy store, so he goes inside. He finds some wooden toy soldiers, a train set, some dolls for little girls and then he spots this bowl of nuts!   His tummy begins to growl, and this is also something new to him. He is hungry! How can a toy soldier be hungry? He heads on over to the bowl and grabs a huge nut. He begins to crack it open when he gets a sharp pain in his mouth. 

“Ouch!,” he thinks to himself. “I don’t understand what is going on. Just a few hours ago I was in this little boy’s bedroom and he was playing with me and now I’m in this strange place and I feel so different. How could I be hungry and what is this pain?”

He begins to cry because the pain is really bad. He doesn’t know what to do to rid himself of the pain, so he just sits there and cries.

Let's continue with the next part of our story – Tiffi hears someone crying

Start at the beginning of the story – The story of Jean-Luc

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