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Elsa asks Tiffi to co-author the story

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,462
edited April 2020 in Candy Friends Stories

Wow Tiffi can’t believe how much information they both found on Google about Easter. Elsa thinks that she has more than enough to begin the new story.

“Tiffi, you really found a lot of great information,” Elsa says. “Hey maybe I can make you the co-author of this story! Would you like that?”

Tiffi can’t believe hear ears. Elsa actually wants to use her name in the new story and tell everyone that she is the co-author. It’s getting late so Elsa packs up the articles and tells Tiffi that she will let her read and proof-read the story before it gets posted. They give hugs and kisses and say their goodbyes.

Tiffi rushes to the phone to call Kimmy.

“Kimmy, you’re not going to believe this!” she says. “I called Elsa a few days ago just to say hi and to find out how her stories are doing. She told me that she had just finished writing her St. Patrick’s Day story and had posted it in the community. 

Kimmy really loves her sister, but she can chatter forever. She sure sounds like she’s on an energy high right now.

“That’s wonderful news,” says Kimmy. “I know that you love to write so it’s perfect that you are co-author the Easter story. I am very happy for you Sis.”

Let's continue with the next part of our story – Elsa looks up the origin of the Word ‘Easter’

Start at the beginning here - Tiffi thinks about Easter

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