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7 Types of twins

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,544
edited April 2020 in Candy Friends Stories

Tiffi has been online too long but before she has a chance to close the laptop another article catches her eye.  

There are 7 different kinds of twins, categorized as: Identical, Fraternal, Half-Identical, Mirror Image Twins, Mixed Chromosome Twins, Superfecundation and Superfetation. Normally, except the first two kinds, others are known to be quite rare to occur. All these twins, apart from similar faces have some varied characteristics. 

1) Mirror Image twins

These twins will often have “mirror images” of their features, such as hair whorls that run clockwise in one and counterclockwise in the other, a birthmark on the right shoulder of one and the left shoulder of the other, etc. There is no specific test for determining if twins are mirror-image. The determination is made by observation only.

2) Half-Identical twins

These are the type of twins who share half their genes in common (from the mother) and the other half different (from the two sperms). They share some features of identical twins and some features of fraternal twins and thus are called half-identical twins.

3) Mixed Chromosome twins

This occurs if two separate sperms fertilize two separate eggs which then fuse, producing individuals with different sets of chromosomes. Some have been identified to have more than one distinct red blood cell type and individuals who are both XX and XY (the sex chromosomes – XX being female and XY being male.) It is very rare, and less than 25 cases have been identified as yet.

4) Superfetation

Superfetation is the occurrence of another pregnancy during an ongoing pregnancy. It happens when there is fertilization of an ovule by a sperm cell while a conceptus is already present in the womb.

5) Superfecundation

Twins can have different fathers. One well known case was described in 1810 in the United States. A woman had both a white and a black lover, and she became pregnant and gave birth to twins, one white and the other black. Each twin had a different father. This is called superfecundation.

6) Fraternal twins

Twins that are male and female or have different blood types can easily be determined as fraternal. Fraternal twins can share many similarities in appearance just like any brother or sister of the same family.

7) Identical twins

Identical twins start out as genetically identical as they have the same genes. They are formed by a fertilized egg dividing into two separate individuals. They are always of the same sex.  (Info from here

Let's continue with the next part of our story – What is a mirror image twin?

Start at the beginning – Tiffi co-authors another story – It’s a twin thing! (Sequel to "The story of Jean-Luc") 

If you have not yet read the story of how Nutcracker learns that he has a twin, then please read The story of Jean_Luc first.

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