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Easter part 2

Hi again so this is pt 2 of Easter hope you enjoy and look out for pt 3!

After Nutcrackers first day as Mr Toffees assistant Nutcracker was tired out he didn't want to hurt Mr Toffees feeling but inside he didn't want to be his assistant anymore and this is because Mr Toffee asked him if he could be his assistant for ever!!! Nutcracker didn't want this but he could tell Mr Toffee did. The next day Nutcracker went down to Mr toffees shop were he would work for the day ( but today was just a tester for the job!). Mr Toffee told Nutcracker what he had to do and it seemed pretty easy at first but will it be? Have a look out for pt 3 and post in the comments ideas or what you think could happen in the rest of the story.

P. S. If you want me to tag your name in pt3 or even be in the story (you can make a character if you want aswell) post your characters back story or a description about it in the comments or if you want to be in it tag my name and how you felt about the story but just in case I get muddled up also tag your profile name. If not your can always private text me. Bye from @Harrypotter



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