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Fern leaves the girls to decide on their own

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,544
edited April 2020 in Candy Friends Stories

Fern realizes that it’s a lot to take in seeing all these different pets.  

“Girls, please let me know if I am showing you too much for you to take in,” says Fern. “Here are our other pets, Stripe, Pickles, Trix, Lucky and Mopsy.”

“Not sure if you are interested in Pickles,” Fern says. “Pigs are intelligent animals. Like humans, pigs are omnivores, meaning they eat both plants and other animals. Pigs have an excellent sense of smell.

Some people like to keep pigs as pets. (Info here

“Trix is really cute for a skunk. Skunks have glands on their bottom that spray their stinky smell. Skunks can spray up to 12 feet away. The smell can last for up to four months! Skunks live in old tree stumps, under logs or in dens. Skunks are nocturnal. They sleep during the day and look for food at night. Most skunks only live two or three years. They are often hit by cars or killed by dogs, coyotes, owls or bobcats. (Info here

“Rabbits remain one of the nation’s favourite pets - and no wonder as they are amazing animals. But these cute smallies remain one of the most misunderstood pets. Pet bunnies may come in domesticated colours and breeds, but their perspective on the world remains ever so close to that of their wild relatives. Because they are a prey species, life is all about survival and they are in a constant state of alert. This explains why many rabbits don’t like being picked up and may nip if you try – your hands are not too dissimilar to a bird of prey swooping down to catch them. Baby rabbits are called ‘kittens’

A single bunny is a lonely bunny. Rabbits are social creatures and are happiest in the company of their own species.” (Info here

Let’s continue here - Rachel is falling in love with Dimples

Start at the beginning – Rachel gets Rancid a puppy

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