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Blossom educates the girls

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,462
edited April 2020 in Candy Friends Stories

Over on the tree stump, Tiffi sees these beautiful pink flowers. She asks Blossom what they are.

Orchids are a huge and diverse family of plants that are easily distinguished from other flowers. They come in all sizes and colors and have several blooms to a stem. They were once considered rare but are now often sold in pots as houseplants.  

“Blossom are those daisy flowers over there?” questions Kimmy. “Tiffi do you remember when you used to pick the daisies and pluck each petal saying “he loves me, he loves me not? But these don’t look like the flowers that we used to pick.” 

Blossom explains to the girls that this flower might look like the daisy they used to pluck because it’s part of the daisy family. She explains that this variety grows much taller.

Ox-eye is a daisy native to Europe and parts of Western Asia, but is now seen growing throughout many parts of the world in meadows and fields and along roadways and other open areas. It is a pretty flower with white petals and a yellow center that grows from 1 to 2 feet high. This is the daisy that comes to mind when you think of rhyme – he loves me, he loves me not. 

“Blossom what is that purple flower with the yellow line down the middle?” questions Jenny. 

Blossom is not sure which flower Jenny is asking about, so she tells her to point to the flower. Jenny walks over to the flowers and touches the purple Iris flower.

Iris’s sword-shaped leaves grow in dense clumps that do not die back in the winter. The large, showy flowers grow up on tall stalks with two or more blooms per stalk. They are a favorite of gardeners since they come in a rainbow of colors that begin blooming in early spring and can last through the summer.   

The girls are fascinated that Blossom knows so much about flowers.  Kimmy starts moaning that her feet hurt from too much walking. She asks the girls if she can sit down on the bench over there in the park. Tiffi and Jenny need to rest too, so they all head on over to the park. Kimmy gets so excited as she points to the maypole. 

“Tiffi, look there is a maypole, just like I was telling you about,” says Kimmy. “I want to do the maypole dance.” 

Let's continue with the next part of our story –  Let’s go to the park!

Start at the beginning – What is May Day?


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