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Remember the time when ……..

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
edited April 2020 in Candy Friends Stories

Kimmy was really worried about Tiffi at that time. She didn’t find him to be very helpful until she met up with him again at the Palm Sugar Oasis.

Kimmy remembers him telling her, ‘I met her acquaintance a long time ago. Of course, I can take you to Tiff. I'm a Genie! Hold on! Time travel can be bumpy.’ She remembers being so nervous and so anxious that she never paid attention to the ride.

Kimmy shares with Tiffi what Jelly Beanie told her when they finally arrived at the Soda splash! 

He told me ‘And here's your sister Tiffi. So eager. Look, she's already broken the robot's tie off!  Tiffi's fixes were too much. That's why the present is so soda-soaked.’  

“You couldn’t understand why I was so worried about you,” Kimmy says. You told me that you were just doing your usual helpful thing! That was some adventure. Please don’t ever do that to me again.” 

The girls finish eating and it’s time to go find the genie. Tiffi can’t wait to share the information that she read in the King community. 

Let's continue with the next part of our story – Genie Jellybeanie loves the idea!

Start at the beginning – Make a wish 


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