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Tiffi calls Kimmy

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,544
edited April 2020 in Candy Friends Stories

“Hi Kimmy, how are you doing today?” Tiffi asks. “I wanted to let you know that a community member posted two great event ideas in the Candy Crush Friends Saga Ideas area. I love this one idea called “Make your wishes come true”. The description reads “Help our friends find the lamp”. He posted a picture of Genie Jellybeanie and immediately I thought of you.”

“Do you remember when I spent some time with him a long time ago? I was surprised to find out that he was trapped in a treasure chest and I had to use a key to release him from the box? Since he lives in Soda World do you think we should visit him to see if he would be interested in making some wishes come true?” 

Kimmy loves the idea and suggests that Tiffi come stay with her for a few days and they can talk to him. They arrange for Tiffi to leave tomorrow for Soda World.  Hugs and kisses goodbye. Tiffi checks her appointments and she is free for the next few days. She will ask one of her friends if they can cover for her if anyone needs help playing.  

“Hi Red Rabbit, how are you doing today?” asks Tiffi. “How is your schedule looking this week with regards to helping the players. I am going to Soda World for a few days to spend some time with  Kimmy. If you can help me out that would be great! If it gets to be too hectic maybe Rachel or Yeti can help too. Thanks. I’ll let you know when I’m back in town.” 

Let's continue with the next part of our story – Tiffi packs for her trip

Start at the beginning – Make a wish

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