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Rancid and Jelly Queen meet at the park

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,544
edited April 2020 in Candy Friends Stories

Bright and early in the morning, Jelly Queen’s phone rings. It’s her best friend Rancid calling to confirm that she will meet him at the park. He has to make a stop, but he should be there on time.

Jelly Queen is excited to see her friend and she wants to show him the information that she found online. When she arrives at the park Rancid is there and he has his cute puppy with him.

“Oh Rancid, I love your puppy,” says Jelly Queen. What’s his name?”

She runs over to rub his head. Rancid tells his friend how he ended up with a puppy starting with the proposal response from Rachel.

“Dimples is this cute little puppy’s name,” Rancid says. “It all started, I assume, when Rachel told me that she couldn’t accept my proposal because we didn’t know each other long enough. She hasn’t said no, so I just have to give her some time. She went with Tiffi to the Pet Rescue Home and Fern was showing them all the pets that he had rescued. It seems that Dimples took a liking to Rachel, so she just had to bring him home for me. She also got a rabbit called Mopsy. And Tiffi ended up getting 2 puppies too. So, what’s going on with you?”

Jelly Queen tells her best friend that the urges for jellifying are coming on real strong. 

“Rancid, I thought that I had changed,” Jelly Queen says. “A couple of nights ago I had so much trouble sleeping. I kept having dreams about the jelly back home and how I enjoyed jellifying the characters. It felt more like a nightmare than a bad dream.  I woke up in a sweat. When I fell asleep again I dreamt that I had trapped a monkling and a puffler in the green jelly. I don’t know what to do. I want to know how you are managing with your past behavior. Are you having dreams like me? How do you fight off the urges to go back to those bad habits?”

Let's continue with the next part of our story – Rancid shares some information with her

Start at the beginning – Oh no! What's happening to our Jelly Queen?

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