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Meet Twix

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,544
edited May 2020 in Candy Friends Stories

Finally, the last dog in this category! 

“Let’s meet Twix, the Australian Cattle Dog,” says Fern. “Standing between 17 to 20 inches at the shoulder, the Australian Cattle Dog is a sturdy, hard-muscled herder of strength and agility. The ACD is born with a white coat that turns blue-gray or red. Both coat varieties feature distinctive mottling or specking patterns. ACDs have immense work drive and excel at hunting, chasing, and, of course, moving livestock. Their boundless energy and supple gait make them excellent running partners.

ACDs are true-blue loyal, famously smart, ever alert, and wary of strangers. If an ACD isn’t challenged, he easily becomes bored and gets into mischief. It is recommended that ACD owners participate with their dog in some work, sport, or regular exercise to keep him mentally and physically fit.” (Info here)

Fern looks at the time.  

“Not too bad,” Fern thinks. “Only 20 minutes behind schedule.”  

The show is now over, and the judges leave the room to compare notes and to choose the top 3 winners for 2020. 

Suddenly from out of nowhere, this man walks onto the red carpet with his 2 dogs.

“Excuse me,” he says. “Where do I go to check in?” 

Fern checks the time again and then tells the trainer that it’s too late because the all-breed puppies have already completed their turn.  

“I’m sorry sir,” says Fern. “The show is over, and we are now waiting for the judges to choose the top 3 best show dogs this year.” 

The man apologizes for being late as he explains how he got held up in traffic. He will make sure to get to the next show on time. The judges are now entering the room.  

Let’s continue to the next part of our story - Who are the winners?

Start at the beginning - Let’s enter our puppies in a dog show

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