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The men set up camp

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,544
edited June 2020 in Candy Friends Stories

They all arrive at the same time and pitch their tents.


“Oh no,” Yeti says. “I forgot to bring up the food. I was so busy trying to grab my bag, the tackle box, etc. and I guess I forgot to bring up the food. I’ll go back and get it now.” 

Chewy lets out a hearty laugh.

“Yeti look behind you,” says Chewy.  

Yeti turns around and sees the food. He smacks himself on the head. How silly of me to forget that I already brought it up! He asks Chewy and Rancid if they want to go fishing ‘cause he’s getting hungry. They all think that it’s a great idea. They grab their fishing poles and tackle boxes. Chewy tells them that he didn’t bring a tackle box, but Yeti reassures him that he has plenty of hooks and bait for him. 

Let’s continue to the next part of our story - The fish are biting 

Start at the beginning – It’s a man thing!

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