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Tiffi tells her father what’s happening

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,543
edited June 2020 in Candy Friends Stories

Dinner is ready so the two of them sit down to eat. But, Tiffi being Tiffi we know that she is going to chew his ear off.

“I have to tell you this too,” Tiffi says. “When I spoke to Yeti today he told me that he bumped into Rancid and he thinks that he was in a trance. He kept saying over and over that he wants to steal some cropsies. He was also saying that he wants to steal the eggs from the mother hen. Then he told me that he bumped in Jelly Queen and she looked like she was in a trance too. She kept asking where her green jelly was, and she was searching all over for it. I saw her too when I was helping a player with his level. She was walking by and she kept repeating ‘Where did I leave that green jelly?’ Dad, I tried to get her out of the trance, but nothing worked. Then she continued walking and talking in that trance.” 

Mr. Toffee realizes that this evil villain is doing much more damage with her salt than just eliminating the colors. It appears that Rancid and Jelly Queen are in such a deep trance that they are going back to their old behavior again. Wow that’s not good at all!  

Tiffi eats quickly because she can’t waste time. She needs to find that magic wand. Her friends are counting on her. But she can’t remember where she left it. She looks under the pillows on the couch. Not there. Maybe she left it in the bathroom. No, not there either.  As she heads towards her bedroom she shouts out to Mr. Toffee asking him if he knows where she put it.  

“My darling sweet daughter,” Mr. Toffee thinks as he shakes his head. “She can never remember where she puts things. If she cleaned up her room more often then she’d find out. Wonder how long it’s going to take her to find it.” 

Let’s continue to the next part of the story - Tiffi searches for the magic wand

Start at the beginning - Salt here, salt there, salt seems to be everywhere!

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