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That girly getaway went too fast

_Elsa_ Posts: 36,747 Sweet Legend
edited June 2020 in Candy Friends Stories

Early one morning, Tiffi wakes up and she is a bit disappointed that the girly weekend to Barcelona is over. She got in late from the airport, so she hasn’t spoken to Mr. Toffee since her return. As she is waiting for Mr. Toffee’s coffee to brew, she thinks about the fun time that she had with Kimmy, Jenny and Rachel.  She heads back into her bedroom to unpack her clothes.  

Back in the kitchen Mr. Toffee is sitting at the table drinking his coffee. 

“Hi Dad, there was a delay at the airport, so our flight got in later than expected,” Tiffi says. “The time went so fast, but we did a lot of cool things in such a short period of time. We went on a bike tour, to the beach, and had a great massage at a spa. We weren’t sure which spa to visit but as we walked down this street Rachel noticed a spa sign and ran in ahead of us to check it out. Dad, I never saw such a beautiful place in my entire life. They had the beds to get a massage, but they also had a pool to relax in. Too bad they don’t have a spa place here in Candy Town. We never made it to the King office. We were running late from the bike tour so by the time we called their office they were getting ready to leave work. But we all had a blast and it would be neat to go back there again one day.” 

Tiffi was being Tiffi and chatting away, as usual. Mr. Toffee looked at the time and realized that he had to leave a bit early because he was expecting a candy shipment at the store. He hugs and kisses his little Tiffi and now it’s time to start a new day.

Let’s continue to the next part of the story - Tiffi checks out the community

Start at the beginning - Salt here, salt there, salt seems to be everywhere!

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