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Chewy and his father are really embracing the moment. He is so happy that his father will be spending a few days with him so they can catch up. Chewy tells his father that he really wishes that he can find a castle in the Candy Kingdom. He is even willing to give up spending all his time underneath the bridge. Maybe the two of them can finally be back together in a real home.
First thing that Chewy has to do is to find a place where his father can sleep at night. It’s ok for him to live under the bridge but it’s not fit for a king to live like that.
The two of them take a walk into town and they reserve a hotel room for both of them.
“I don’t want my son sleeping under a bridge,” says Arthur. “Tomorrow we start looking to see if there are any empty castles in town.”
It’s now dinner time, so the two of them at the nearby restaurant for a hearty dinner.
Let’s continue with the next part of the story - Let’s check out the empty castles!
Start at the beginning - Chewy is overjoyed that he found his father!