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Who’s hiding behind the tree?

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
edited August 2020 in Candy Friends Stories

On the way back to town, they are unaware that there is a mouse lurking behind the big tree. It’s Doctor Zed, and he is an evil nemesis of Professor Alpha. He has been trying so hard to steal the Encyclopedia of Everything book that the professor is writing. He is determined to get that book and then he can take all the credit and glory for all the facts and words posted.  

Ooohhhh, he is an evil one! 

“Hey guys, have you ever wondered about Encyclopedias or why they were written?” says Tiffi. 

Here comes the wisdom from Tiffi. She loves to Google and share her knowledge! 

“I found out this information on Google,” Tiffi says. “ Did you know ……………….. 

..…. ‘Before there was Google and Wikipedia, the source of all knowledge for English speakers was the vast, multi-volume Encyclopaedia Britannica. Many homes had shelves devoted to it, teachers and scholars depended on it, and its prestigious reputation among such publications has remained unsurpassed for over three centuries, though much of that reputation may have depended upon wily salesmanship. 

The word encyclopedia (as it is spelled in the US) comes to us from the Greek enkyklios paideia, “general education,” which meant to the ancient Greeks a well-rounded education. There have been encyclopedias in various cultures and languages for over 2000 years. While there have been many English language encyclopedias, the Britannica remains the oldest continuous version still in production, if no longer in print.’ (Info here

Tiffi’s throat is a bit dry from talking so much. She suggests that they stop to get a drink. 

Let’s continue here - Let’s get ice cream!

Start at the beginning – Someone is stealing the words

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