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Tiffi contacts Betty

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
edited August 2020 in Candy Friends Stories

The doorbell rings and it’s Tiffi.

“Hi Elsa, I was in the neighborhood helping a player so I decided to stop and say hello,” Tiffi says. “What’s going on? You don’t look very happy.”

Elsa takes Tiffi over to her computer and shows her the monitor.

“I don’t know what’s going on here,” Elsa says. “I think I have writer’s block. And then suddenly these words start popping up all over the document.”

Tiffi has heard of writer’s block. She tries to remember the exact definition of it.

‘Writer's block is a condition, primarily associated with writing, in which an author loses the ability to produce new work or experiences a creative slowdown. This loss of ability to write and produce new work is not a result of commitment problems or the lack of writing skills. The condition ranges from difficulty in coming up with original ideas to being unable to produce a work for years. Writer's block is not solely measured by time passing without writing. It is measured by time passing without productivity in the task at hand.’ (Wikipedia

“I remember reading an article online once about this,” Tiffi says. “This one article, How to Overcome Writer’s Block: 14 Tricks That Work, mentioned that one of the causes is perfectionism! If that doesn’t describe you to the T, then I don’t know what does.” 

The more that Tiffi looks at the monitor the more she thinks that the words being jumbled up like that is really the problem here. Why suddenly are all these words just popping up? She thinks a bit more and then she thinks that she might have the solution. 

“Elsa, the writer’s block we can manage later,” Tiffi says “What concerns me more is why these words just keep popping up all over your document. I think maybe we have to call Betty and pay her a visit. Maybe she has to ask her grandfather, Professor Alpha to help us.” 

Tiffi calls Betty and fortunately she’s at home. Tiffi explains what’s going on and asks if she is free tomorrow because the two of them would like to pay her a visit. Something is going on with Elsa’s computer and maybe her grandfather can help. They agree upon a time and both say goodbye.

Tiffi tells Elsa that she will pick her up first thing in the morning and then they can go visit Betty and her grandfather.

Let’s continue here - Who is Betty?

Start at the beginning – Someone is stealing the words

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