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As she continues her search something on the television catches her eye.
What’s this? A game fair in Barcelona?
What a coincidence! Germany is having a game fair and so is Barcelona!
The Barcelona game fair is only a week away. She was thinking of going to Barcelona to visit the CMs so she could do both at the same time. Maybe it’s fate that she saw this so now she can just call @QueenMia and the rest of them to see if they will be around next week.
She picks up her cell phone and dials the King office. When the front desk answers she asks to be transferred to QueenMia’s extension. There is no answer so she leaves a phone message for her. She calls @Xarly next but he’s not answering either. She looks at the time and realizes that they must be gone for the day. She’ll catch up with them tomorrow.
Now time to get back to her Google search. But first, she needs to get a snack because she’s getting hungry. OMG! Forget the snack. She needs to make dinner. Steak here she comes!
It’s now 6:00 PM and her dinner is ready. Time to go catch up with her recorded TV shows so she brings her dinner into the living room. She hasn’t even had time to play any of the games today. She opens up Candy Crush Saga for her daily booster and then plays a level once and closes the game. No more King for tonight.
Let’s continue here - What’s in store for today?
Start at the beginning – Elsa gets trapped in her storybook