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Tiffi searches for an idea

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
edited September 2020 in Candy Friends Stories

Tiffi searches online for some idea of what type of scarecrow she wants to create.

“This is kind of cute,” Tiffi thinks to herself. “I don’t have to go crazy looking for a detailed scarecrow because then it will take me longer to create it. This will do just fine!” 

Her eye catches an article talking about the crows. This she has to read!

‘In the U.S., their name suggests that crows are their foremost enemies, but farmers also use scarecrows to ward off doves, red wing blackbirds, grackles, sparrows, turkeys and quail that crave not only fresh seed but the sugar from young corn. A farmer’s field from planting season to harvest supplies birds with nutrients needed to live, says Kevin J. McGowan, a specialist on crows at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology.

Crows “walk on the ground and forage, looking for food in the top two inches of soil. Along with seeds, they seek nuts, earthworms, baby moths or beetles,” says McGowan. More so, they have a keen eye for soil that has been turned as it offers up hidden treasures. Young corn is akin to a mill turning stored starch into sugar and is highly sought by birds. But crows tend to forage a field in flocks, McGown says, adding “and they hit hard.”

Once a plant has used up its sugar, birds will depart, leaving fresh green vegetation for the next feasters such as deer. Birds then return looking for munching insects.’ (Info here)

Tiffi wonders why birds sit on a scarecrow and then she comes across a small article.

‘Like deer and rabbits, birds are wary but adaptable. While they will steer clear of anything that looks suspicious or out of place, if it stays put for a while, they’ll get used to it, and eventually you’ll find them roosting on it! 

A basic scarecrow, placed in your garden and left alone, is likely only to be effective for a few days. So, in order for your scarecrow to work, it needs to be ever changing. You can accomplish this by:

Moving the scarecrow around.

Attaching reflective or noisy accessories that flash in the breeze.

Changing up your scarecrow’s wardrobe from time to time.’ (Info here)

Let’s continue here - Last day to enter contest

Start at the beginning - Seasons come and season go – the scarecrow

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