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Kimmy asks Flamingo where to find the players

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
edited September 2020 in Candy Friends Stories

Bright and early the next morning Kimmy wakes up and she is so excited. 

“Today might be the day that I get my superpower and I can put it to use.” Kimmy thinks. “I am going to do what Tiffi suggested. I will travel through Soda World looking for players who need my help. It’s  time to find out.”

Kimmy has no clue where to start or even where to go. She sees Flamingo up ahead so she will stop to ask him if he knows how to get to the player’s levels.

“This jam is the bomb!” says Flamingo. “Move to the music baby! Shake your feathers, feel the groove!”

“This bird never changes his comments,” Kimmy thinks. “He says the same thing every time I see him.”

“Hi Flamingo, I could use your help,” says Kimmy. “I was granted a temporary superpower and I am supposed to be looking for players who need help with their levels, but I have no clue how to find them. Do you know?”

Flamingo notices Kimmy so he stops the moving and the grooving. 

“Hi Kimmy,” Flamingo says. “Superpower! Wow that’s totally cool Kimmy! I think if you make a right turn down the road a bit and then follow it down for a couple of miles and then make a left you should find the levels there. Good luck!”

Great! Kimmy is not sure if she can remember the directions but she thanks him and continues on her way.

Let’s continue here - Kimmy asks for more help

Start at the beginning - Kimmy gets her temporary superpower

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