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Yeti and Red Rabbit are first

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
edited September 2020 in Candy Friends Stories

She turns to Yeti first.

“Hi there, what’s your name and how did you come up with the idea for your scarecrow?” asks Kim.

“I was looking on Google to find out what a scarecrow looks like as I never saw one before,” Yeti says. “Then I found two that I really liked. They were kind of spooky but I couldn’t decide. When I went back to look at them again later in the day that’s when I decided to create this scarecrow with the pitchfork. He looks reallllllllllllll spooky.  I hope that I win today!” 

“Thanks for the interview and good luck today! By the way, I like your Halloween costume.” 

Red Rabbit is the next character to be interviewed.  

“Hello, and how are you doing today?” asks Kim. “And what made you decide to go with this scarecrow?”

“I opened up the Google browser and typed in scarecrow ideas. This really cool article showed up in the search about a scarecrow festival. Even though it’s been a rough year with the COVID-19 virus, this town decided to do the annual festival but with social distancing in mind. It was a pretty interesting article. Then I started looking for scarecrow ideas and I chose the easiest design to create.” 

“You’ve done a very good job of putting it together,” says Kim. “Good luck today!” 

Continue here - Next is Chewy/Arthur and the twins

Interview story beginning - Breaking news in the Candy Kingdom

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