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The smell of rain

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
edited September 2020 in Candy Friends Stories

‘According to The Smithsonian, two Australian scientists coined the term petrichor to describe the distinct smell of rain. During a dry spell or a drought, many plants produce oils that signal the plant to stop growing. After a steady rain, these oils are released into the air. Plant oils can also mix with other chemicals produced by bacteria within the soil. These bacteria produce a chemical called geosmin during dry spells. As the rain reaches the surface, this chemical is released into the air. It gives the air an earthy aroma after a shower or storm.

Not only can plants and bacteria play a role, but ozone is another factor. If you’ve ever been able to smell rain in the distance, chances are you’re smelling ozone. This is a chemical produced from lightning. The electrical charge from lighting is so strong that is can split oxygen molecules in the atmosphere, and rearrange them to make the compound ozone (this is three oxygen atoms bonded together). Ozone has a smell that resembles chlorine, and strong winds can carry these molecules away from thunderstorms.’ (Source)

“So that’s why it smells so good,” Kimmy says. 

Yeti has finished his cake but he is not yet satisfied. What else can he get?

Continue - What is lightning?

Story beginning – Rain, rain go away

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