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Comparing dwarfs and elves

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
edited October 2020 in Candy Friends Stories

‘In myths and tales, dwarfs and elves are small humanlike creatures, often endowed with magical powers. Dwarfs generally look like old men with long beards and are sometimes ugly or misshapen. Elves, known for their mischievous pranks, tend to be smaller in stature than dwarves. Though usually associated with Scandinavian mythology, dwarfs and elves appear in the myths of many cultures, along with similar creatures such as fairies, gnomes, pixies, and leprechauns.

In Norse mythology , dwarfs and elves are usually male and often live in forests, in mountains, or in out-of-the-way places. There are two kinds of elves: the Dokkalfar (pronounced DOH-kahl-fahr), or dark elves, and the Ljosalfar (pronounced YOHL-sah-fahr), or light elves. The Dokkalfar dwell in caves or dark woods. The Ljosalfar live in bright places or in the sky.

Dwarfs and elves of the mountains are highly skilled metalworkers and artisans who have supernatural powers and make special gifts for the gods, such as a magic spear for Odin , the king of the gods; a ship for Freyja (pronounced FRAY-uh), the goddess of love and beauty; and a hammer for Thor, the god of thunder. But dwarfs and elves of the mines, who keep guard over underground stores of gold and precious stones, are unpredictable and spiteful. This association of dwarfs and elves with mining and precious metals exists in many legends and fairy tales.’ (Source)

Let’s continue - Some facts about elves

Start at the beginning - Tiffi learns about the little people

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