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Let the fall festival fun begin!

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
edited October 2020 in Candy Friends Stories

Bright and early the next morning, the two of them get dressed and head downstairs for a quick breakfast. Now it’s time to start the day and have some fun. They begin their walk towards the fall festival when they bump into Farmer John.

“Hey Rancid, you still here in Dairy District,” says Farmer John. “That talent show was really great! I see that you got my lettuce and corn cropsies on stage singing. I tell ya something, ya never know what might happen when you plant those seeds. Who would have thought that my cropsies could sing? So, what are you up today?”

Rancid tells Farmer John that they are going to the fall festival.

“I heard that they are doing a pumpkin carving contest for the first time,” says Farmer John. “I might check it out later on today. Enjoy your day!”

They see Amelia just ahead of them so they stop to say hello.

“Rancid my buddy, Rachel how are you enjoying farm life?” asks Amelia. “This is your first time experiencing this type of living right?”

Rachel tells Amelia that it’s great! She doesn’t know if she could live on a farm but it’s nice to visit.

“Rancid, I want to thank you once again for hosting the talent show,” says Amelia. “You really have changed and Rachel it’s all because of the love that he found with you.”

Rachel smiles as Rancid gives her a huge hug! Rancid tells Amelia that they are heading over to the fall festival. He wants to find out if there is still time to register for the pumpkin carving contest. Amelia tells them that she wants to check it out so maybe she’ll see them later.

And off they go!

Let’s continue - Time for the hayride

Start at the beginning – Seasons come and seasons go – the hayride

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