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Tiffi reminds Elsa of her excitement when she found the article talking about adult authors.
‘Adults who had imaginary friends, meanwhile, report that they are more creative and imaginative than those who did not. We also know that they are better at describing a scene that they have constructed in their imagination. This could be because they were more imaginative to start with and/or that playing with an imaginary friend in childhood helped boost such capabilities.’ (Source)
“Elsa, I remember when you told me about your imaginary friend,” Tiffi says. “It’s kind of like having a BFF 24/7.”
A smile comes to Elsa’s face when she remembers the part about …………………
‘ adult authors can be seen as prolific creators of imaginary friends in the form of characters. That’s because their characters have personalities and minds of their own, and authors often report their characters leading the writing rather than vice versa. Adults who had imaginary friends, meanwhile, report that they are more creative and imaginative than those who did not’ (Source)
Tiffi asks Elsa if she ever went back to Bamboo Forrest to see if Santa and the others were still there. Elsa gets this guilt look on her face as she tells her friend that she completely forgot to go back.
“Tiffi, I was so excited to learn that my magical imagination never left me,” says Elsa. “Let’s go to Bamboo Forrest to see if they are still here.”
Let’s continue - The girls meet up with Santa
Start at the beginning – Elsa learns how to play again