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The Zebras and the Meerkats

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
edited December 2020 in Candy Friends Stories

Ten minutes later, they continue with the tour.   

“And here we have the Grant’s Zebras [Equus burchelli],” says Harry. 

‘These zebras are about 4 feet tall at the shoulder and they weigh between 485 and 700 pounds.   Particularly tall Grant’s Zebras are 56 inches tall at the shoulder and weigh up to 800 pounds. These animals, like their domestic cousins, typically live between 15 and 25 years. They have a white or buff base with black or dark brown stripes. Their hair is short and coarse, and the stripes run all over the body and all the way down to the hooves. Their manes are stiff and upright kind of like a Mohawk. 

Grant’s Zebras are one of six subspecies of plains zebras, which means they like to live in open grasslands and savannas. Some also live in woodlands. 

In the wild, zebras have a sentry system. While most of the herd sleeps, a few members stay awake to stand guard. Zebras’ teeth grow their entire lives. If they didn’t, they would wear down right away because they chew so much. The zebras like to live in open grasslands so they can eat the tall, coarse grass found there. Grass makes up most of their diet, although they sometimes also eat shrubs, herbs, twigs, leaves, and bark. 

One male and up to six females makes up a herd. They reach sexual maturity at age two to three. Mares give birth to one foal at a time. Foals weigh between 65 and 75 pounds and can stand 15 minutes after they are born. After only a few hours, newborns can run with the herd. Zebras do not live in permanent herds. Instead, they comingle with several hundred families.’ (Source)

“Have any of you ever seen a Meerkat [Suricata suricatta] before?” asks Harry. 

‘Adult meerkats weigh about 2 pounds and range between 10 and 14 inches tall. In the wild meerkats live up to 10 years, but in human care they can live to be 15 years old.  Meerkats have a grizzled grayish-tan coat that is patterned with black bands on the rear portion of the back. Black bands also rim the eyes. 

Meerkats live in the Kalahari desert which is in the southern part of Africa. Meerkats are social animals that live in colonies of up to 30 animals. Meerkats live in communities and depend on one another for survival. They dig complex tunnels called burrows. Meerkats have dark brown or black bands around their eyes which allow them to avoid a glare from the sun. 

In the wild, a meerkat’s diet consists of worms, crickets, grasshoppers, small rodents, lizards, small snakes, birds, eggs, fruit and scorpions. In captivity, meerkats are fed mice, worms and other insects.  A meerkat loses 5% of its body weight overnight. Mating usually takes place between the alpha male and alpha female. Meerkats can reproduce when they are 10 months or older. They are able to breed every two months, but breeding typically depends on food availability. Litter size is usually two to five pups after a gestation period of 77 days.’ (Source

Let’s continue - The Pygmy Hippos and the Dama Gazelles

Start at the beginning – The girls go to the zoo

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