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Enjoying the warmth Pg. 4 ☕️🔥

candycrushinit Posts: 12,600 Level 5
edited December 2020 in Candy Friends Stories

Mr. Toffee has called the trio inside for a cup of hot chocolate. Three cups were set out on the table with whipped cream and marshmallows, and steam rising out. He then went to the fireplace and lit up the wood. The kids and Yeti ran to the table and took their cup. Then they all sat down in front of the fireplace to keep themselves warm.

Tiffi took a sip of her hot chocolate, enjoying the delight within. Yeti chugged it down, the others looking at him with bizarre looks on their faces. Nutcracker blew on his before savoring the creamy and chocolatey goodness. They felt a warm sensation as they drank all their hot chocolate and resting in front of the flames.

"Mmm yes. I totally love the hot chocolate! It was so good!" Tiffi said.

"Me too! I feel sleepy all of a sudden" Yeti let out a yawn and his eyes narrowed.

She snickered. "You only drank one cup!"

"But that was too much for me to handle" he sighed before crashing down on the floor.

"But you better not drink too much at the party, or else you'll miss out on all the fun!"

He pouted, his cheeks puffing out before he passed out on the wooden floor.

The girl tried to hold in a laugh as she turned to Nutcracker. By the looks of it, he seems pretty ecstatic about the holidays and how he gets to spend time with her. He's been thinking of what they will do together the night before Christmas. They will eat cookies, play some more in the snow, and even kiss under the mistletoe. A faint blush can be seen on his cheeks as he thought about the last part. He's not sure how he will pull this off.

She started to speak. "I've been thinking lately of what I'll do to see Santa in the middle of the night."

He jerked his head to look her in the eyes. "You're going to see Santa? How? Why?"

"I've been curious of viewing him in real life instead of looking at pictures everywhere. I wanted to see him deliver my presents and meet his reindeer! I even wanted to catch a ride in his sleigh!" Her face lit up as she spoke those words out.

"But won't you be asleep the whole night? Hardly Santa makes any noise while making his way to the Christmas tree and back up the chimney."

"I won't and I will see him by using the Santa tracker on my phone!" She pulled out her phone and held it up in the air.

"Really? Those things never work accurately! I heard from one of my old friends and he said that he downloaded an app that shows him where Santa is at and it says that he's been in China all day and never moved a single inch. What could he possibly be doing there? Shopping? That's ironic for a guy who makes the toys himself and delivers them to kids all over the world. Even I wouldn't dare to use that worthless tracker to locate where he is right now. He could be relaxing in a resort in Hawaii!" He had a deliberate expression as he goes on about everything wrong with Santa trackers.

"Or maybe he was just busy going over the naughty and nice lists and preparing the presents!" She spoke with a frown. “Anyways I’m checking where he is now and I won’t be lying if I see him during the middle of the night.” She opened up the Santa tracker app and looked at the location. It read “Currently wrapping presents in workshop at the North Pole”.

”See? It does work accurately I know that! I will see Santa tonight and I will not back down. Just you wait!” She pointed her finger up towards him to show him that she is going to for real.

Nutcracker mentally facepalmed and sighed. “I want to enjoy this warm feeling inside me. Not from the fire, but from uh, you specifically?”

“Of course you can my favorite nut cracker!” She smiled and scooted closer to him. He wraps his arms around her waist, pulling her into his shoulder. They both sat a few centimeters from the fire beside the sleeping Yeti. For a couple of minutes Tiffi had been keeping warm from the fire and in Nutcracker’s hold, until suddenly he pulls her head into his chest, making her face all red. She was bewildered at first but she soon gave in to the stronger warmth.

Mr. Toffee saw the whole thing and gave them a hearty smile before returning to work. This will be a wonderful Christmas this year. One that will link them together. Forever.

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