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Time to schedule the Zoom event

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,524
edited December 2020 in Candy Friends Stories

Elsa makes herself some hot coffee and heads back to her computer. She already has a Zoom account so she just has to open the app and see what needs to be completed.

Wow it doesn’t appear to be difficult to set up the event. She types in ‘Tiffi’s Zoom Meeting’ for the name of the event. Then she just adds the date and time and clicks on the schedule button. 

The oven timer goes off which surprises Elsa. She forgot that she was heating up her dinner. Lucky that she set it with a timer otherwise it would have burned. Time to take a break and then she can get back to finishing this Zoom invite.  

She turns on the TV while she is eating to watch the nightly news. OMG! Is that coronavirus ever going to end? Now it looks like a new variation has hit not just England but other countries as well.  The weatherman starts announcing the weather forecast for the rest of this week. It’s calling for heavy rain on Thursday. Maybe that’s good because all that snow from the weekend will now melt. Oh wait …. That means their snowmen that they did over the weekend will disappear. Well, she can’t worry about that now. There will probably be more snow storms ahead.  

She finishes eating and goes back to her computer. She didn’t realize that an email invitation would pop up as soon as she clicked on the schedule button, but there it is!

She looks it over to make sure that everything is correct and then she adds all the email addresses. Another thing done! 

Tomorrow is another day. Time to watch a bit more Netflix before going to sleep.

Let’s continue here - New Year’s Eve day

Start at the beginning - Tiffi and Elsa co-author a virtual New Year’s Eve virtual party

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