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That’s enough history for now

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,537
edited January 2021 in Candy Friends Stories

Tiffi is amazed at all the history posted online. She can’t wait to share it with Elsa and Rip.

Nov. 1, 1952: First Hydrogen Bomb Test (Marshall Islands) - The United States successfully detonates its first hydrogen bomb, a second generation thermonuclear device, in the Marshall Islands as part of Operation Ivy, one of a series of nuclear bomb tests. From 1946 to 1958, the United States used the remote Pacific Marshall Islands as its nuclear weapons testing site, detonating a total of 67 nuclear tests.

Feb. 28, 1953: The Dawn of DNA (Cambridge, England, U.K.) - Cambridge University scientists James Watson and Francis Crick announce they have discovered the fundamental behavior and double-helix structure of DNA. Though scientists had been aware of DNA since the 1860s and its role in genetic inheritance since 1943, Watson and Crick were the first to explain how DNA works to replicate itself and pass on genes from one generation to the next. ’ (Source

That’s it! She’s had enough googling for the day. She decides to check in with Elsa to see how she made out. 

“Hi Elsa, how did you do with your googling?” Tiffi asks. “I’ve found quite a bit of information to give to Rip. What about you?” 

Elsa shares that she also found a whole bunch of history for him. Tiffi smacks herself on the forehead when she realizes that she should have asked Rip for his phone number.  Now she’ll have to hope that he’s still in Bamboo Forest so she can share what she found with him. Elsa tells Tiffi that she will check in with her in the morning. Perhaps they can meet up with Rip and show him what they found.  

Let’s continue – Tiffi meets up with Rip

Start at the beginning - Tiffi & Elsa learn a lot about world history

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