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💞 Sweet Announcement regarding to Scrapbook Contest's Changes! 🏅

[Deleted User]
[Deleted User] Posts: 15,585
edited February 2021 in Discussions

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A big thanks to @Lola_Pop that make me an opportunity to do this change!

Hello Crushers! 🍩

Since you guys are like getting badges and you are vote for Scrapbook Contest as the best creativity i've made in 2020, I'm decided to made a small changes into the badges and the whole contest in general that you guys will love it! Here's the Patch Note! 👇


I've been working for these badges before the release of this contest and it's pretty hard to me to do something like that since it is my first concept and contest I've ever did for the community!

However these badges are simply made on Microsoft Paint 3D which is the easiest software that you can design images and i'm professional on that. However as I'm thinking too much, the design are not that good to keep it in your badges category and as i have installed Adobe Photoshop now, i decided to change the Scrapbook Badges!


That's how the badges looks like in your profile right now. With Photoshop, it took me days to make these badges and i've been helping myself using the Paint 3D software, i'm taking the first part of the badge design that has been used for the old badges and changing the number font and many more stuff there and there... ✨

This change are available right now and you can see it in your profile! 💗


At the moment, there will be a new badge coming once Candy Crush Friends Scrapbook reaches 60... 💗

And yes indeed, that will be more badges will join this contest as well so stay tuned for that!

However, if you don't join us in the contest, what are you waiting for...? Show us your Scrapbook and get badges right now... HERE!

Tell me everyone what do you think about this change and which design are the best... I want to hear your feedback! 🤗

Also don't forget to react (Sweet 👍 - WOAH 🙂 - Love 💗) into my discussion! 🎶🎵

Let's see your sweetest comments...

See you around... 💞



Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?