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Once upon a time …….

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,537
edited March 2021 in Candy Friends Stories

Once upon a time there was this little girl named Tiffi who lived in Candy Town……

Tiffi, short for Toffette, is an eight-year-old girl with blonde hair and blue eyes. Her full name is Toffette Toffee. She is a controlled puppet with golden nails (brads) connecting her arms to her shoulders. She has blonde hair and likes to have her hair tied in pigtails. She has a red bow on top of her head. She wears a pink dress and her shoulders are pinned. She also wears pink shoes. She is very short, so short that it would take six of her to equal the height of Mr. Toffee. She is chubby, and her pink legs are short too. She eats 500 Swedish Fish a day because it is good for her joints! Her birthday was revealed to be 23 January, on the official Candy Crush Saga Facebook page. Her zodiac sign is Aquarius.

She has an underwater twin, Milly, in the episode of both worlds, Savory Shores and Coral Corral. Milly was formerly known as "Underwater Twin" or "Juli". It is unknown if they are actually twin sisters, or if Tiffi was just making a comment based on how similar they looked like. She could also possibly be Tiffi's friend.

Let’s continue - Let’s learn more about Tiffi

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