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Time to get together to bake some animal crackers

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,530
edited April 2021 in Candy Friends Stories

A few days later the girls all meet at Elsa’s house.

The girls are having a blast, but the flour is going all over the place. Once the cookies are in the oven the girls sit down to chat. 

The cookies are starting to smell really good! Elsa looks inside the oven and they are baked! Time to dip some of them into chocolate. Yummy! 

“So when are we going to bring these to our community friends?” asks Lola_Pop. “I know that the CMs are going to love them, and we really made a lot!”

Elsa tells the girls that National Animal Crackers Day is on April 18, 2021 so why not bring them to the community that day. It’s only in a couple of days away. They discuss what things they can do to honor the national day. Elsa takes out her phone to see what she can find online. 

“Here are some things that we can do with the community on that day,” says Elsa. “They say to pick up some animal crackers at your local grocery store and share them with family and friends. Well we just baked a lot, so we don’t have to go to the store. Share your photos of your Animal Crackers Day celebration using #NationalAnimalCrackersDay. Oh here’s a good idea. It says that we can have some of the players or the CMs play Animal Cracker Bingo. Let me go print out some Bingo cards to give you an idea of what we can give to whoever wants to participate.”

The girls bring bowlfuls of animal crackers into the dining room and leave them on the table.

And they are done for the day. They arrange a time to come back to Elsa’s house to help her bring them to the community.

Hugs and kisses.

Let’s continue - Today is National Animal Crackers Day

Start at the beginning – What are animal crackers?

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