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Characteristics of True Heroes

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,530
edited April 2021 in Candy Friends Stories

wykoon and Marriam1 continue to walk down the aisle. When they get to the DC booth wykoon suggests to Marriam1 that they should stop and wait for Nck to catch up to them.

Marriam1’s phone rings and as she is saying hello she sees Catwoman standing behind wykoon. Her mouth drops wide open, and she drops her phone. She is speechless and doesn’t know how to tell wykoon to turn around. Just then one of the spokespeople from DC begins to talk about the characteristics of true heroes. 

‘True Heroes Serve Others - A true hero is someone who does something heroic for the benefit of others. For the benefit of someone other than themselves. Which doesn’t mean that a hero can’t benefit from his or her own heroism. But their deed or act or performance or accomplishment is not primarily for their own benefit. They’re selfless in their service – not self-serving. 

True Heroes Are Extraordinary - True heroes are not ordinary people doing ordinary things in ordinary ways. They aren’t like everyone else. They’re different. They’re brave when others cower. They’re strong when others are weak. They’re determined when others quit. They’re disciplined when others are lazy. They do right when others do wrong. Some soldiers are heroes. But most are not. Some soldiers enlist because they can’t find a job; they want benefits; and they hope to later attend college on the GI Bill. This is fine and should not be demeaned. 

But one is not a hero by virtue of being a soldier. They must do something heroic as a soldier in order to qualify as a hero. Ditto for law enforcement officers. For doctors. For teachers. For nurses. For firefighters. For pilots. There are potential heroes in ALL of these professions. But they aren’t heroes by simply being IN those professions. A true hero is extraordinary. 

True Heroes Take Risks and Face Potential Loss

A true hero takes a risk. A true hero does something that may cost them on a personal level.

It may result in their being injured. They may have to forfeit something of value. They may even lose their life by their deed of heroism. But they’re willing to take that risk. A true hero is willing to take a risk on behalf of others. If I attempt to climb a mountain, I may fall off that mountain and die. This is not, by itself, a heroic risk. A heroic risk would be risking my own life in order to save other mountain climbers. A true hero takes risks on behalf of others.‘ (Source

Let’s continue - More characteristics of true heroes

Start at the beginning – Let’s go to a Superhero convention!

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