This is event is a tough one. I will not finish it because I am going to bed now, I am tired and tomorrow it will be over. Every time I go into the game, I first have to play a normal level, the game updates and a life is lost. So I only have 4 lives. I only get 2 cookies down and nothing more. Why should I still spend the few GB? It is not worth. Then they are just wasted. I only have 24 GB left. It's another event that I can't finish and don't get a character or GB. You probably have to decide beforehand whether to play it or not. Probably you should only play your levels from the map to move forward. To be honest, it's slowly not being fun anymore. So far one has already come to consider whether it is worth it or not! Sorry Pity!!!😔
My opinion is: That the few made it. You have to spend a lot of money to make the event happen. So it's a circle. You buy GB to end the event and you get GB again. Question: Is it worth spending money on it?😔🤔