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Let's go fly a kite!

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,531
edited June 2021 in Candy Friends Stories

Up to the highest height!

Let's go fly a kite and send it soaring

Up through the atmosphere

Up where the air is clear

Oh, let's go fly a kite!

Summer is meant for swimming, barbecues, and yes, flying kites. The warm weather is the perfect time to take advantage of a breezy summer day at the park – and you can even learn a little bit of science by reading how a kite manages to fly!

Elsa is taking it easy at home but we all know what she’s all about right? 

Yes we do! Her creative mind is thinking summer …. Stories …… suddenly her phone rings and it’s Tiffi calling her.

“Hi Tiffi, what’s up?” says Elsa. “I’m sitting here enjoying the warm weather and the bright sun outdoors.”

Tiffi tells her friend that she was online looking for things that they can all do this summer.  

“I wanted to let you know that Jenny is in town,” Tiffi says. “We went to the beach today and now we’re looking for more cool summer ideas like kite flying, having a bonfire and things like that.”

Elsa tells Tiffi that it was fun learning how to use a yo-yo and she loved seeing her friends at the pool party, but now she’s bored and doesn’t know what to plan next.

“Tiffi, my buddy, did you forget that we just co-authored a story with summer ideas?” asks Elsa. “I have to finish editing it. How about you and your friends learn how to fly kites? You can even make your own kites! Call all your friends and ask them if they’d be interested in doing this. I will go look on Google now to see what articles I can find to help us learn what kite flying is all about.  Let’s touch base again once you’ve spoken to everyone.”

Sounds like a plan!

Hugs and kisses!

Let’s continue - History of kites

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