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How to build a totem pole

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
edited June 2021 in Candy Friends Stories

Tiffi finds an article on how to build them so she starts reading it.

‘Colorful totem poles are fascinating symbols of Native American cultures. Take a look at these Totem Pole Craft Projects For Kids, which can be made from recycled material such as plastic bottles, tin cans or egg cartons. It is a great idea for a collaborative project and a history lesson at the same time. Kids can learn about different cultures and history of the Indians who made their homes there through these crafts.’ (Source)

Totem Pole From Recyclables

What You will Need:

Plastic Milk Cartons and Coffee containers

Do not use plastic soda or juice containers as the plastic is too hard to cut through to insert the pole.

Gesso paint

Acrylic paints/ brushes

Old broom pole or PVC pipe

Plastic placemat ($1 from Dollar stores)

Sharp knife - for adult use only’ (Source)

Tiffi tries to find more articles on how to build the totem poles but she really likes that one picture on the bottom left side. She’s sure that she can figure out how they can create it from the picture. She calls Yeti to find out who was interested in joining them.  

“I found a cute totem pole that we can build and it’s made with milk and coffee containers,” says Tiffi. “How many are able to join us? I’d say we should get together in a couple of days. I need time to gather the material that we will need.” 

Yeti tells her that not too many are available right now. It’s Chewy, Red Rabbit, Jelly Queen, Odus and himself. With Kimmy and Tiffi that will make 7 in total.  

“Call those who can join us back and let them know that we will meet in a couple of days,” says Tiffi. “Let’s go back to where we did the kite flying. I will get back to you with a time.” 

Sounds like a plan! 

Let’s continue - Time to get together to create a totem pole

Start at the beginning – Let’s build a totem pole!

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