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_Elsa_ Posts: 37,536
edited July 2021 in Candy Friends Stories

‘International Town Criers Day on the second Monday in July celebrates the historical relevance of town criers throughout history. Got a good strong voice? Do you like to tell others what’s going on? The day honors loud people who announce the news by using a bell and making proclamations to townspeople.

Besides having a loud voice, if you want to become a town crier, you also need to be able to read and write. You will become a very important person because, traditionally, people of standing in the community were chosen as criers.

How to Observe International Town Criers Day

Celebrate the day by delivering anything you have to say as if you were a town crier. It's best to have a bell and tricorne hat while doing so.’ (Source

The town crier explains to Tiffi that he really has to leave now or he will fall behind in letting other towns know about this. Tiffi thanks him very much and asks if he would like to come back to Candy Town on July 12th to help her and her friends celebrate. He can’t promise but he will try his best.

Tiffi goes into her father’s store. She can’t wait to tell him everything that she learned.

“Dad, you’re not going to believe the videos that he showed me,” says Tiffi. “He taught me all about the history of town criers and how the modern town criers actually compete for a chance to place first in a town crier competition. He is going to try to come back here on International Town Crier day. I hope that he can come back and teach me exactly how town criers shout and ring their bell. I have to go home now to find out what friends want to join me on that day. I need to do a Google search to find out where I can find some bells once I find out how many friends want to join in that day. I’ll see you later at home.”

Hugs and kisses.

Let’s continue - Tiffi and her friends celebrate the day!

Start at the beginning – Hear ye … hear ye …

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