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The beginning and end of a town crier’s message

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,534
edited July 2021 in Candy Friends Stories

‘“Oyez, oyez, oyez!”

This is the call or cry of the town crier, now usually only heard at ceremonials, fetes and local events. It would however have been a common cry on the streets of medieval England.

‘Oyez’ (pronounced ‘oh yay’) comes from the French ouïr (‘to listen’) and means “Hear ye”. The town crier would begin his cry with these words, accompanied by the ringing of a large hand bell to attract attention. It was the job of the crier or bellman to inform the townspeople of the latest news, proclamations, bylaws and any other important information, as at this time most folk were illiterate and could not read.

The cry would then end with the words, ‘God save the King’ or ‘God save the Queen’.

Having read out his message, the town crier would then attach it to the door post of the local inn, so ‘posting a notice’, the reason why newspapers are often called ‘The Post’.

Proclaiming the news was not however their only role: indeed, their original role was to patrol the streets after dark, acting as peace keepers, arresting miscreants and taking them to the stocks for punishment and posting their crimes to show why they were there. It was also his job to make sure fires were damped down for the night after the curfew bell.

It was also the role of the town crier at public hangings to read out why the person was being hanged, and then to help cut him or her down.

The key requirements of the role were the ability to read, a loud voice and an air of authority. Bellmen would be paid for each proclamation they made: in the 18th century the rate was between 2d and 4d per cry.

Town criers were protected by law. Anything they did was done in the name of the monarch; therefore to harm a town crier was an act of treason. This was a necessary safeguard as the town criers often had to announce unwelcome news such as tax increases!’ (Source)

“So they are still having town criers in the towns today?” asks Tiffi.

The town crier explains to Tiffi that modern town criers still exist.

Let’s continue - Modern town criers

Start at the beginning – Hear ye … hear ye …

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