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Easy card trick continued …

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,524
edited July 2021 in Candy Friends Stories

1.- Now have them replace the cut, which will put the seven of clubs on top of the three of hearts. (figure 7) Turn the deck face-up and spread the cards out, asking the spectator to be certain that their card is indeed in the center of the deck, and that no trickery has occurred. Make sure they don't reveal what the card is. (figure 8)

Guess what? You now know the card! It is the one directly to the right of the key card that you know. In this case the three of hearts which is next to the key card, the seven of clubs.

An amateur magician might end the trick here and reveal that TADAH, they know what the card is! Not you though. That would be boring and mundane. You want to play some jazz. You want to create some magic. To you the trick is just starting. Now is the time to practice some improvisation. Before our next lesson you have some homework to do. Yes you are reading this online, but we are still giving you homework and are trusting you do this before you click ahead. Before Lesson 2, write out three different riffs you could play based on the above scenario. Each one must have a completely different tone. How would you reveal the spectator's card? ♠ ♥ ♣ ♦’ (Source)

It certainly doesn’t take Yeti long to learn this trick. 

It’s time for the three of them to go back to the land of magic. Yeti and Chewy thank all of them for sharing all that they did.

“Maybe one day Yeti and I will come to visit you in the land of magic,” says Chewy. “Maybe you can teach us other tricks too.”

And so the wizards and the magician jump back into the book as Chewy and Yeti wave goodbye.

The End!

Start at the beginning – Yeti and Chewy learn all about magic

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