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Benefits of mud play continued ….

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,537
edited July 2021 in Candy Friends Stories

‘6. Inspires caring for the environment (Social Development) - Connection to Nature: Think how vital it is in today’s world to get children outdoors to reconnect with nature. With nature-deficit disorder on the rise, Mud play creates memories and a relationship with our Earth. Planting a seed, nurturing a plant and harvesting a garden will, in turn, inspire a connection to the care of our environment in the future. I call this, “Planting seeds of inspiration.”

7. Invites Inclusive Playful Learning Opportunities (Social, Emotional, Cognitive, Physical Development) - Open-ended Play: Think about adding Mud Kitchen Challenges (like in the photo above). These are great ways to add additional learning in an open-ended play environment.

8. Builds Stronger Immune Systems (Physical Development) - Scientific Studies: Think about the kids who get really dirty and how often they get sick. Now think about the kids who are constantly applying antibacterial potions and never going outside. You will find it is the dirty kids who are healthier. Scientific studies show the same microscopic bacteria in the dirt that can make you happier have also proven beneficial to the immune system.

9. Invites a Total Sensory Experience (Physical Development, Social & Cognitive) - Sensory Play: Think of soaking your hands in a bucket of cold, mushy mud. Ahhhhh….. What is happening to you? Are you loving it? Or is this a difficult thing to do? Research shows that sensory play builds nerve connections in the brain’s pathways, which lead to the child’s ability to complete more complex learning tasks.

10. Benefits the Heart and Skin (Physical Development) - Therapeutic: Adults pay good money for mud bath spas — a secret that children have known all along. Mud relaxes and soothes! This is all good for us!’ (Source)

Let’s continue - Favorite mud activities

Start at the beginning – Let’s play in the mud!

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