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The girls learn more about pirates

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,040
edited September 2021 in Candy Friends Stories

“So what did pirates do?” asks Kimmy.

“I can tell you about that,” says Toothless Pete.

‘Pirates main means of living was to steal from others. Treasure like gold and jewels, yes, but most of the time pirates would steal things to aid in their survival. Food, drink, and supplies for sailing would make their way off of one ship and onto a pirate's ship in no time! Pirates also had no problem pillaging villages and other places along the shoreline if in need...and sometimes just to have a little fun!

Pirates loved to eat, drink, and be merry. They were known to be revelers for a reason...they liked to feast and party! Soaking in all of the luxuries of life in one night was of importance to a pirate, because who knows when they would have the opportunity again? In a month at sea they might be eating rotten bread and drinking spoiled water. A large majority of pirates were alcoholics, as documented by pirates themselves, so drinking was a pastime that filled their time when the resources were available.

Putting the adventures aside, pirates also had to maintain their ships. This meant cleaning and repairing their ships so that these vessels would live to sail another sea. Stolen goods could be used to keep their ships in worthy condition.

Illness and Death - Pirates did not usually live a long life. This was due to many factors including their exposure to the elements, poor hygiene, exposure to others who are ill, being involved in dangerous conditions, starvation, dehydration, etc. 

Sometimes pirates were wounded and/or even killed while trying to steal from another ship. If a battle ensued, a pirate might gain a gunshot or knife/sword wound. Sometimes these wounds would prove fatal. If the pirate didn't bleed to death, infection might set in and kill him/her instead. If a ship was to be hit by a cannon or if it was flipped over in a storm or on rocks, pirates could indeed drown to death.

And if a pirate was captured for his criminal activities? He would be hung, decapitated, or literally "fed to the birds".

Scurvy is probably the most famous of the pirate illnesses. This illness caused pirates to look a certain stereotypical way - pale skin, hunched backs, spotted skin, swollen gums, unsteady gait, loss of hair and teeth. Scurvy is caused by a lack of vitamin c in one's diet. As you can imagine, after months of being at sea Vitamin C is most likely in short supply for pirates on board. Scurvy can be fatal.

Dysentery was another common "pirate disease". This is an illness that causes the walls of your bowels to swell up and you might imagine, this results in bloody diarrhea as well as other unpleasant signs and symptoms. This disease is caused by eating contaminated food or drinking bad water. Obviously this is something that pirates dealt with quite often so dysentery was found on many ships.

As you can see, a pirate's life wasn't always the life of adventures and never-ending fun like the movies make it out to be. So, is a pirate's life for you?’ (Source)

Let’s continue - History of the Caribbean Pirates

Start at the beginning – Kimmy meets some pirates

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