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Kimmy meets some pirates

A few days ago Kimmy and Tiffi spoke to each other and Kimmy asked her sister to come visit with her in Soda World. Tiffi told Kimmy that she was just finishing a new story that she was co-authoring with Elsa, Tiffi co-authors the Mayflower story

“I’ll be able to visit you in a couple of days,” says Tiffi. “I can’t wait to see you.”

Time goes quickly and Tiffi is now visiting her sister in Soda World. Kimmy asks if she’d like to take a boat ride. Why not?

It’s a beautiful day, although there are a few clouds in the sky. The girls are enjoying themselves when they notice a ship coming towards them.

“That looks like a pirate ship,” exclaims Kimmy. “Look at that flag with a skull on it. I didn’t know that pirates still existed today.”

Tiffi does her usual thing – googling! She finds an article and begins to read out loud.

‘Walking the Plank Wasn’t Really a Thing - Although it is true that pirates were known to be aggressive and downright vicious, it’s not really true that they would force their prisoners to walk the plank as a form of slow punishment leading to their eventual demise. If they were going to take that route, it’s likely pirates would do the deed quickly or simply strand their captives on a remote island leaving them there to more than likely not come out on the other side of things.

Pirates Actually Wore Eye Patches - It’s actually not just a myth perpetuated by pop culture that pirates wore eye patches for the sake of making them look tougher and more menacing to today’s audiences. Pirates of the past actually wore them, although the reasoning behind it is a bit hazy. It’s thought that there’s a bit of science to their reasoning behind the eye patch and not just a fashion statement meant to intimidate those they went after. Wearing a patch over one eye forced the other eye to adjust accordingly, which helped them see at night. This could have helped while raiding or being able to see better below deck where it could pretty dark.

There are Some Good Pirates Too - We associate the word "pirate" with some pretty bad guys and with good reason. Pirates steal and pillage from neighboring ships. But unbeknownst to most, there are actually good pirates who have their sights set on doing some good in the world.

Known as environmental pirates, their goal is to disrupt the actions of fishing ships and boats that illegally target whales, dolphins, sea turtles, and other endangered ocean wildlife.

The most famous group are the Sea Shepherds who are notorious for putting an end to many of these ship’s tactics by slamming into other boats, sinking them or throwing things on board to disrupt their ability to operate.’ (Source)

Kimmy brings the boat to the shore line and then notices the pirate ship getting closer too.

The pirates leave the boat at the same time that the girls get out of their boat. Curiosity is getting to Tiffi so she walks over to them to find out why they are in Soda World.

“Ahoy there me mates,” says the first pirate. “My name is Barnacle Bill and this is Toothless Pete. Where are we?”

They seem friendly enough so Kimmy tells him that they are in Soda World and then she asks why they are here. Barnacle Bill says that their compass must not be working because they were looking for treasure and he tells them what area they were looking for. The rest of the pirates now leave the boat too except for the cook.

Let’s continue - History of Pirates

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