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Stonehenge today!

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,460
edited October 2021 in Candy Friends Stories

Jean-Luc sees the door up ahead as they approach Stonehenge again. The man wants to share one more thing with him before he travels back to the Candy Kingdom. 

“Would you like to see a short video on Stonehenge being built today?” asks the man.

Of course he would!

‘Modern engineers attempt to recreate the construction of Stonehenge using technology available to the original architects of this ancient iconic site.

Stonehenge Today - One of the most famous and recognizable sites in the world, Stonehenge draws more than 800,000 tourists a year, many of whom also visit the region’s numerous other Neolithic and Bronze Age marvels. In 1986 Stonehenge was added to UNESCO’s register of World Heritage sites in a co-listing with Avebury, a Neolithic henge located 17 miles away that is older and larger than its more famous neighbor. 

Stonehenge has undergone several restorations over the years, and some of its boulders have been set in concrete to prevent collapse. Meanwhile, archaeological excavations and development of the surrounding area to facilitate tourism have turned up other significant sites nearby, including other henges.’ (Source)

The two of them walk towards the door. The man tells Jean-Luc that it’s time for him to go home. He hopes that Jean-Luc enjoyed his adventure. He puts in the code and the door opens.

Jean-Luc thanks him for this fun adventure. He stands in front of the open door and the wind pulls him up and then he lands in the Candy Kingdom.

Just then Tiffi is walking by. She’s on her way to help a player with her level. 

“Jean-Luc I have to tell you what happened to me today,” says Tiffi. “But I have to go help this player. Do you want to walk with me and I’ll tell you about my adventure?”

Little does Tiffi know that Jean-Luc also has to share his adventure with her. And off they go!

The End!

Start at the beginning – Jean-Luc time travels to the Stonehenge

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