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Adventure begins

Tiffi and Kimmy ventured into the first part of the Candy Kingdom. Their first stop was this luscious and refreshing place called Lemonade Lake. Kimmy was trying to familiarise herself with the surrounding around her.

”Relax sis, its just a pathway,” Tiffi told her.

”Wait, why are you calling me sis? We’re not even related,” said Kimmy in an uncertain tone.

”Well, I’ll have to call you sis right? After all, I might be adopted soon,” answered Tiffi.

Tiffi and Kimmy chatted a lot as they walk along the pathway. When they reached Lemonade lake, they were shocked of what they saw. An empty lake! With a crying dragon.

”Looks like that dragon needs help,” Tiffi told Kimmy.

The poor dragon was crying nonstop. Lots of tears trickled down her cheeks, just like a waterfall.

Tiffi went down the dried lake and reassured the dragon, “Hello dragon. My name is Tiffi and over there is Kimmy. What’s your name and how did the lake dried up?”

”Oh h..h..hi li…li..tle girl. My name is De…de…nize and the re…rea…s..son why the lake d..dried up is b…b..because the p…pi..pipes s…stopped w..wo…wor..king,” sobbed Denize and she continued, “And then shortly after, all the lemonade evaporated and disappeared.”

Tiffi listened to the dragon’s problem, then came up with an idea. She tried to jump onto the rocks to find the knob.

”I think I know the problem,”Tiffi told Denize when she found the knob, “A small stone got caught in-between the knob, causing the pipes to stop working. I’ll remove the stone and the pipes will continue to function well.”

And so it worked. Tiffi manage to remove the stone and turn the knob. All of a sudden, lemonade gushed out of the pipes, filling up the entire lake with lemonade.

Let’s see what happens next


Part 1 here. Meet Tiffi — King Community

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