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Adventure begins (reposting this because of a glitch)

Jelly_bean_hearts Posts: 461
edited March 2022 in Candy Friends Stories

Tiffi and Kimmy began to embark on their journey, which is to explore the candy world. Their first stop was going to this luscious and refreshing lake called lemonade lake. Kimmy looked around, trying to fit in with the surrounding.

”Relax sis, its just a pathway,” Tiffi told Kimmy and giggled.

”Wait, why are you calling me a sister when we don’t even know each other yet?” questioned Kimmy.

”Well, maybe one day, if I get adopted by your dad, I’ll have to be your sister or stepsister,” Tiffi answered.

Both of them were having fun chatting with each other as they were walking. When they reached Lemonade Lake, they were shocked of what they saw. A dried-up lake. With a crying dragon. Tears trickled down the dragon’s cheeks, just like a waterfall. She sighed.

”Looks like that dragon needs help. I’ll go and talk to her,” Tiffi told Kimmy and went closer to the dragon.

”Hey there. My name is Tiffi and how did the lake dried up?” Tiffi asked.

”Oh, did…didn’t see you th..there. My name is Denize and the r…r..reason why the…l…l…lake dried up is b….b…because the pipes s….s…s…stopped working and all the l…..l…..lemonade e….e….evaporated to nothing,” wept Denize.

Tiffi tried to think of an idea. She found a stone. Maybe that can help her get closer to the pipes. Tiffi climbed on the stone and checked on the pipes.

” I think I know the problem,” Tiffi told Denize, “A small rock is caught in-between the valve. That’s why the pipes stopped functioning well. I’ll remove the stone and everything will be back to normal.”

And so it did. Tiffi removed the stone caught in-between the valve and out came a refreshing shower of lemonade.

Read next part here Climbing the mountain — King Community

Part 1 here Meet Tiffi — King Community

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