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πŸ• Dachs’ Deliveries is back with some updates πŸ’Œ



  • Ashraf
    Ashraf Posts: 8,997


    I have the same problem 😣

    I am always in a lazy team 😭

  • dialyn
    dialyn Posts: 16

    Level 2

    I am so confused by this game. I was put in Level 2 to start with, and while there were some team members there at first, they disappeared over the course of a few days, so I ended up finishing the tasks on my lonely. Fine. I get to Level 3 and my team members, at least some of them, are already started on Level 3. So i wasn't allowed to start with a group, had a level with some team members but had to finish alone, and then ended up on the third level with team members who had already been playing on that level.

    Now I can see that some tasks combine my score with someone else's but clearly something else is going on if team members can jump ahead to the next level. This seems very weird to me. It is not clearly defined (to me) which are tasks I have to complete by myself and which the team contributes to. Some, like completing a high number of quests, can't be done by one person unless they start the level very early or have other team members also completing quests.

    I already know I'm not going to finish...there just isn't enough time to finish the way it has been rigged. Very disappointing.

  • Jasmina
    Jasmina Posts: 1,206

    Hi,@dialyn !

    Are you our NEW BEE?! It’s ok. Just keep crushing candies and don’t be angry; that’s only the game, after all! Is it?

    So... did you readed all explanations about Dachs

    Delivery Competition ?! There are some explanes about each delivery. For example: I am now on the penultimate delivery in wich you are asked to gather 150 stars ( you know those stars wich you get when you finish each level; you earn 1, 2 or 3 stars. Depends on how well you played each level !). But the last delivery I (& all my teammates; unfortunately now only one ( 1 ) plays with me! 😭😀) it is required to coat 6 levels with spreading jam.

    So, when I finished the last level, in the next level you will see what level is like ( spreading jam, dipping cookies, or that with hearts & so on); by me it’s that with spreading jam. Then, before you start to play, you change delivery from penultimate ( β€œstars”) to last delivery ( spreading jam on 6 levels).

    Do you understand me? It’s not so hard. I also didn’t. know that! So I looked back, on explanations and I realized it only then. How stupid I was before!!!

    But That’s only the game, like every game !πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‰πŸ˜ŠπŸ™‚πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ˜¬

    If you didn’t understand me, please send me a new post with explanations, and I will explain one more time for you. That’s not that hard ( it depends on what levels you are at.)!

    So, you will try play like that and send me a post!

    Ok ?! I wish you a good luck !!! πŸ€πŸžπŸ§²πŸžπŸ€



    Bye from @Jasmina !!!

  • Sofia1992
    Sofia1992 Posts: 2,526

    Hey @QueenMia .

    This time, I have a very active team in my side.

    Two tasks left and we will conplete Dachs Deliveries in no time.

    And those tasks are easier than ever and since the first task includes and my favorite Nutcracker, then things are sweeter than ever.~ β™‘

  • Jasmina
    Jasmina Posts: 1,206

    LUCKY YOU !!! I have only 1 teammate this time! And almost every time! And also there not too much help from my teammate, unfortunately! 😩😒😀😑

    But anyway I send you a good luck from me !πŸ€

    In the end, it’s only the game, isn’t it?! 🍭🍬🍑🍩

  • dialyn
    dialyn Posts: 16

    Level 2

    Thank you, Jasmine, for your thorough response although it didn't address my question, which may be my fault for not being more clear. I've played for more than 200 days and 2000 levels...does that make me a newbie? Well, maybe. I do understand it is only a game but most games depend on a consistent application of guidelines to be enjoyable for all. Dach's Dash seems a little random to me, but I can ignore it and move on to something else. I appreciate your effort. Enjoy your day.

  • flew66
    flew66 Posts: 2,361

    Well another round of Dach's Delivery is over. Is third time the charm? Probably not, but I see this as a work in progress. I didn't see a lot of tweaks between the this round and the last one. I did have a little bit more active team on my mobile app than last round. The team on my Win10 App is not very active. I think I had one active player on that team.

    Some of the confusion and frustration about Dach's Delivery are caused by, other than being on an inactive team, choosing the right task before beginning a game. In order to earn the credit, the player has to be on the 'right' track. For example, you don't get the credit for the Daily Quest if you are not that particular track despite the Quest being completed. This gives the perception of players falling off the map. In order to be successful with Dach's Delivery, players have to be actively and strategically choosing the task before each game.

    On the other hand, once a selected task is completed, all the active players will become 'Inactive' until they select another track / task.

    Also, the uneven difficulty among tasks cause a bit of frustration. For example, the 150 stars task is almost insurmountable if you have only a couple active players on team, while the 10 Daily Quests is far more easier to complete.

    Having said all that, the Dach's Delivery is just a side game to give players a chance to earn more boosters together. It is a bonus / freebies for fun. Please take it lightly and earn the extra boosters if it is available to you. Have fun!

  • Pitty_Kitty
    Pitty_Kitty Posts: 13,008

    I'm sad it went away! on its 2nd run for me, DD was definitely better than the first where I was completing quests by myself.

    This time I had surprisingly a very active team, we were able to complete all the tasks every 2 days and I didn't have to work harder than the others. Yes!

    Fortunately I never had the task about collecting stars. πŸ˜… our tasks were doable

    we were able to select tasks strategically for the most part. I could see nobody except me and maybe 1 player sometimes thought to prioritize the 10 daily quests task. My team mates just started with the easy tasks and forgot the part you're completing the daily quests too in the meantime therefore wasting opportunities πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ but since they were being active I didn't mind always doing the daily quests, at least they were reduced to 10.

    I hope I'll end up with the same people next time. 😭😭😭

  • QueenMia
    QueenMia Posts: 12,972
    edited October 2020

    Hi there guys πŸ€—

    @brie_w @Jasmina @dialyn - I've talked with the Studio and at the moment, it's hard for them to have control on teams and who's active and who's not. They're always making sure to pair players who have been active in the past month but they can't control whether players will actually play in the event or not... but they'll look at ways to improve this. Overall, it seems that a lot of you have been placed in active teams so it means it's working 😊We're just sorry that it's not the case for every single one of you.

    This said, please keep your feedback coming as it really help us πŸ™ Thanks to you too @flew66 @Sofia1992 @Pitty_Kitty!

    See you around the Community guys, don't forget to have fun πŸ’

  • brie_w
    brie_w Posts: 43

    Level 3

    edited October 2020

    @QueenMia Thanks for getting back to us about the team situation. While I understand the reasoning and I completely understand that you can't "make" people play the events and, of course, it should be a persons choice to participate; I still no longer wish to receive the event. For me personally, I feel like getting the event four times and not having any team participation is enough. I'm done with it. Also, unfortunately for me, I'm the type of person, who, if I see the event, will just end up continuing to try even when going it alone and only end up being frustrated and disappointed. Plus, if I get the event and go it alone again and by some miracle am able to get to the first gift box, then the other players on my "team" get a gift for doing absolutely nothing?? That hardly seems fair. It is for all of this, that I don't even want it sent to me.

    As I've indicated before I am in a group of people where there is not one person in the rankings when I complete a level, in fact, there is no ranking of any kind, at all - it's just me. Also, no one responds to requests for lives ever nor does anyone ever ask for lives either. I feel like I've been playing alone since I passed level 300 as that is the last time there was any kind of ranking. I just passed day 737 on my daily calendar and am now at level 1876 and have not had a team that has "participated"- I'm using that term loosely - since the last Bubble Gum Troll event I received about a year ago.

    At any rate, thank you for asking about switching to a better group. I do genuinely appreciate your effort. Take care and have a great day.🀷

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