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Tips and Tricks for playing the Dachs Delivery Service in CCFS



  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,430 Sweet Legend
    edited October 2023

    My team is already in the 3rd round and it's making good progress. Don't know what Ina @DieOmimi had.🤷‍♀️

  • UncleBob2
    UncleBob2 Posts: 130 Level 3
    edited October 2023

    @Spinnifix Glad your team is doing well and you are satisfied with Dachs Delivery Service! I think @Grumpy_Old_Man and the rest of our team also had fun with this DDS session. At one point we appeared to have 13 active players distributed across the Team Tasks. I would like to thank each one of them for their efforts , and I hope they all received their appropriate rewards:

    As a side note—-I am the red onion on the “Use Yeti’s power 120 times” Team Task, and I was REALLY glad that someone switched to that task and helped me, because cycling Yeti 120 times takes a LOT of time and lives !


  • UncleBob2
    UncleBob2 Posts: 130 Level 3
    edited October 2023

    For the Dachs Delivery Service session that started August 27 and ends today, September 5, I have stayed at CCFS Level 4590, a 3-screen level that I find useful to create the objects (Fish, Striped, or Wrapped candies, Color Bombs) or the events (combinations of candies) required for the Team Tasks. Level 4590 has Yeti, Odus, and either Olivia or Bubblegum Troll available as helpers, so I use Yeti to make wrapped candies and Odus to make striped candies.

    The first screen quickly clears to have an unobstructed central work space:

    But you have to be careful on Screen #1 to try to avoid setting off the whirlie candies as they will cause a chain reaction that will clear the screen and send you to Screen #2.

    Screen #2 has a lot of blockers protecting the octopuses on the left side, and two of the whirlie candies in the center. Combining the initial set of 2 wrapped candies clears 1 column of blockers and gives you some space to create objects or events.

    Screen #3 is the most difficult screen to work with because the workspace is triangularly shaped, so I usually concentrate on using most of the available 30 moves on Screen #1 and Screen #2. However, if you are lucky, you can sometimes create the desired object of event on Screen #3.

    I think a good strategy for the DDS team as a whole, is to have some team members like myself who specialize in creating the required objects or events for some of the Team Tasks, and other team members who specialize in progressing through CCFS levels to complete the “100 Stars”, “20 New Classic Levels”.

    The reason for suggesting this “Divide And Conquer” strategy for team member is that trying to create a lot of specific objects or events interferes with focusing on winning that level and progressing, and conversely focusing on winning and progressing as many levels as possible with the boosters and lives available will interfere will creating a lot of specific objects or events. That is, I think the exact game-playing focus is quite different for these two basic types of Team Tasks.

    Any team member, of course can equally well contribute to completing the “500 moves” or “Using Yeti/Odus/Tifi/Nutcracker’s power” while either progressing through CCFS Levels or while staying at a particular level for a while.

    Hey @Grumpy_Old_Man , what do you think about all this?


  • Grumpy_Old_Man
    Grumpy_Old_Man Posts: 582 Level 4
    edited October 2023

    With less than an hour to go, the first team reward in DDS 13 has been issued.

    If we were all playing at the same time and had live chat, we could make an effective strategy work. Completing 12 DDS challenges is nothing to complain about. As it is, it's only Bob and myself that can make any plans. But since we are all playing at different times, it becomes a case of (everybody who isn't at the end of the line) just do what you can. Generally I can mop up most of what is left over to complete a DDS, but time isn't always on my side.

  • UncleBob2
    UncleBob2 Posts: 130 Level 3
    edited October 2023

    @Grumpy_Old_Man Thanks for the info that the twelfth DDS Delivery was complete, as I had to quit for the night when our team was at the final Team Task on Delivery 12 which was “30 Classic Levels” and we were up to 26 out of 30 at the time I stopped.

    Apropos the original thread topic: One disadvantage of the “Stay at same level” strategy is that I can usually work on only 4 or 5 of the Team Tasks for each delivery, and if the sixth and final Team Task is a task I cannot do at that level, then I have to decide whether to progress in levels or not. That is a difficult decision because DURING the DDS session, if I progress I lose access to that level as a “New Level”. At the very END of a DDS session, the decision to leave that level and accumulate some stars or New Classic Levels in this instance, is much easier to make. Fortunately, during the last DDS session for our team, you and the other team members who are progressing in levels stepped in and finished those Team Tasks, which allowed me to continue the “Stay at same level” strategy.

    Hey, congratulations on getting past Level 500!

  • Grumpy_Old_Man
    Grumpy_Old_Man Posts: 582 Level 4
    edited October 2023

    It looks like I won't have as much time during the week to complete levels for a while. I started my own business and I set my own hours. I am mainly at other sites for most of the day and can be away from home for 13 hours a day. Sometimes it's only 7 hours, it varies. But the happy clients and an ever increasing bank balance makes it all worth while. It's a nice problem to have.

  • UncleBob2
    UncleBob2 Posts: 130 Level 3
    edited October 2023

    @Grumpy_Old_Man Good for you! It was a gutsy move to establish your new business , and it seems to be taking off and giving you real rewards, which is great. (Your schedule sounds exhausting, but conversely the work sounds quite rewarding.) Cheers!

  • UncleBob2
    UncleBob2 Posts: 130 Level 3
    edited October 2023

    Back to “Stay at New Level to complete Team Tasks for DDS”:

    CCFS Level 4682 was an almost ideal 3-screen level to complete the new DDS Team Tasks of creating fish (300), striped candies (300), wrapped candies (200) and color bombs (30). Level 4682 has only four colors of candies (cyan, orange, purple, and yellow), which makes it far easier to create a fish, striped candy, wrapped candy, or color bomb , than a CCFS level with 5 candy colors. Furthermore, Helper 1 is Misty, who will produce fish, striped, and wrapped candies, albeit unpredictably. Helper 2 is Yeti who always produces wrapped candies. Helper 3 varies, but when you get Odus as Helper 3, he will always produce striped candies.

    Having 3 screens on level 4682 allows you to create as many fish, striped candies, wrapped candies, or color bombs as you can and detonate them on the first 2 screens, without any of the blast effects carrying over and destroying the blockers on the 3rd screen. However, if you want to re-use Level 4682 repeatedly for creating more objects, the strategy for best using each screen is slightly different:

    So for Screen 1, you need to clear off the wide workspace on the top of the grid while damaging the blockers down at the very bottom as little as possible. You can focus on the production of each single fish, striped, or wrapped candy, but the most effective way to mass-produce them is to carefully watch for an opportunity to create a Color Bomb or Coloring Candy. Then you must move the fish/striped/wrapped candy adjacent to the CB or CC, or you must drop down the CB or CC to be adjacent to the fish/striped/wrapped candy you want to make duplicates of. Combining the CB with a fish/striped/wrapped candy makes all candies of that color into the special candy. Combining a CC with a fish/striped/wrapped candy with make all candies of the original object color and all candies of the CC color into the special candy, so you get more of them. If you need 30 Color Bombs, create as many CBs and CCs as you can, but when you create a Coloring Candy, carefully look across the grid to see if converting any of the adjacent candy colors to the CC color will in turn produce a CB, as that is all that counts for the DDS Color Bomb task.

    For Screen 2, the strategy is similar to Screen 1 in that you need to clear the upper part of the playing grid as a workspace while trying to NOT destroy the blockers at the bottom. Similarly, you can once again create the special candies you need, create a CB or CC, and carefully combine the two to mass produce the special candies you need for the Team Task. BUT, already at Screen 2 you need to also watch the number of moves you have available, and if you have “too many” moves available, consider making useless and non-destructive moves at the top of the grid so that you don’t have too many moves going into Screen 3. In this example, I consumed extra moves so that I only had 9 moves left when I went to Screen 3.

    In Screen 3, you need to be very careful to only create and detonate special candies that you can safely do without accidentally winning the level! You must consider that any leftover Special Candies from Screen 2 will drop down through those pipes into Screen 3. Especially if CBs or CCs drop into Screen 3 and detonate, they can help set off uncontrolled chain-reaction explosions that will quickly erode the last blockers at the bottom and spread jam there. That must be avoided if you wish to continue to use this level as a “New Level” for the DDS Team Tasks.

    Conclusion: Multi-screen , 4-color CCFS levels such as 4682 can be very useful for some DDS Team Tasks, but re-using them appropriately requires careful judgment, strategy, and patience. For those of you who are not concerned with progressing levels and are willing to stay at one New Level and spend lives there to help your DDS team, these special levels might be a good place to do so. Cheers!

  • UncleBob2
    UncleBob2 Posts: 130 Level 3
    edited October 2023

    As Uncle Bob team leader, I am currently staying at New Level 5587, which is a 3-screen 4-color level that works fairly well for producing fish, striped, and wrapped candies and color bombs, as well as creating the fish + fish, fish + stripe, fish + wrap, and stripe + wrap combinations required for our Dachs Deliver Service team tasks. But since I cannot directly thank all my Uncle Bob team members who made it possible to complete over twenty DDS deliveries during the last cycle of that game, I would like to post this “THANK YOU” in case they can see it here. Cheers!

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?