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Tips and Tricks for playing the Dachs Delivery Service in CCFS



  • MountainMom
    MountainMom Posts: 14,497
    edited October 2023

    @UncleBob2, I hope you and your team members are collecting the special badges for Dachs Delivery Service milestones as you reach them. Thanks for your helpful suggestions and Congratulations on your inspiring performance in DDS.

  • UncleBob2
    UncleBob2 Posts: 130
    edited October 2023

    @MountainMom Thank you for referring to the badge for Dachs Delivery Service achievements— I have applied to get one for the “20-deliveries” level before it ends on August 23, but I guess our team will not be able to get the 25-delivery award in the future! Oh well, it would be nice to have the 20-level one if @Lola_Pop accepts my screen captures as valid evidence of the achievement. Thanks again!

    (I must wonder how many teams have exceeded the 25-deliveries to get that top-level DDS award? I know @Lola_Pop ’s team did so in the past, but not sure how many other teams were that proficient at DDS. I know how team “Uncle Bob” managed to do it, but I would be REALLY curious about how the 25+ deliveries teams managed to accomplish that feat because that is really not easy.)

  • MountainMom
    MountainMom Posts: 14,497
    edited October 2023

    @UncleBob2, 47 players have earned the 25 DDS badge so far. Most of those badges were earned in early 2022, soon after the badges were first introduced. Often all team members were encouraged to apply for each of the available badges as subsequent levels were achieved -- and most of those team members did. It is unfortunate that your team members may have missed out on this opportunity for badges. @DieOmimi routinely checks that contest thread and is sure to respond to you soon.

  • ElenaVorona
    ElenaVorona Posts: 1,884
    edited October 2023


    Your team is making amazing progress. You have a very good team.

    Are you at level 5587 now? Have you decided not to move on through the levels just because it's good to collect fish or striped candies in this level? This shocked me.

    I always read your posts with great interest. But now I don't understand you.

    You have 1100 levels ahead of you. But you don't want to go through them.

    That is, there are players on your team who must work as hard as possible to complete the "100 Stars" and "30 Regular Levels" tasks. But you do nothing to accomplish these tasks. But you have 1100 levels ahead of you. I don't understand.

    These guys on your team make an incredible amount of deliveries. Have you ever thought about the fact that they also want to collect fish or striped candies? But they pass the levels because they have to. They just go through the levels.

    I complete the levels for the "100 Stars" and "30 Regular Levels" missions because I'm not a special player in the team. I am the same player as all the other members of our team.

    (I communicate using Google Translate. If I misunderstood you, please tell me so.)

  • UncleBob2
    UncleBob2 Posts: 130
    edited October 2023

    @MountainMom Wow! 47 people have achieved 25 DDS deliveries (or more)! I am impressed and humbled! But I am still curious what their teams are like and whether they have any “division of labor” among their team members or whether everyone does everything. Maybe one of them will tell us some day.

    @ElenaVorona I like your posts also! But to answer your question, yes I sometimes do puzzling or difficult-to-understand things, but usually I have a reason and I will try to explain why I am staying temporarily at Level 5587:

    1. I am team leader of team “Uncle Bob”, and as such I am responsible for the progress of ALL players on my team, which is more important than my own progress through the levels.
    2. If I do progress to the last available level where Tiffy stands with the “end of the road” sign (and I was there for many months), I can ONLY use that level to help my team. The problem is that the last available level is typically very inefficient for completing all the various Team Tasks. So now I try to pause at new levels that are conducive to completing tasks that my team is NOT so good at such as the “production” tasks.
    3. It requires VERY DIFFERENT STRATEGIES to efficiently produce hundreds of fish, striped, or wrapped candies than to simply destroy blockers and win a level. Similarly, it requires very different strategies to create as many as possible of the required 40 events like fish+fish, fish+striped candy, fish+wrapped candy, or striped+wrapped candy at a given level rather than just trying to win that level. I really have to think carefully about how to best produce candies or events given the physical structure of the screen(s) at my Current Level and the available “helpers” at that Current Level. That required shift of thinking is why I suspect that most of my team members have trouble with these tasks. That shift of thinking may include how I can produce all these candies and events, but still LOSE my life at that Current Level so that I can play it again and produce more of the things required for the Team Tasks, and playing to LOSE a level is directly OPPOSITE of the usual playing to WIN a level.
    4. However, you are correct that my other team members may also enjoy doing some of “production” team tasks, so I try to (a) work on production Team Tasks that no one else is working on at that moment, or, (b) if other team members are working on that task, I will make sure to just produce enough of the candies or events to get them closer to the required number, but NOT actually complete the task for them. That is, I shift over to another Team Task and let them finish the task that they are on, so that they have the satisfaction of completing the task.
    5. You are also correct that I should be helping with the “100 New Stars/30 New Levels” Team Task. I have found that for “100:New Stars”, I can go “star chasing” by using the new portal feature to return to all my earlier completed 1-star levels and replay them to raise them to a 2-star or 3-star win, which adds 1 or 2 stars to our team total. Similarly, if we have a special event like the current 10-levels of Olivia event, I can complete those to add to my teams new stars total. Unfortunately, those events do NOT count for the 30 New Levels, so I cannot help my team with that task unless I progress. However, if I progress, then I will have to try to find another multi-screen , 4-color level with helpers that allow me to do all the other Team Tasks, and I only find those every 50-100 levels in the 5000-level range.

    I hope this survives Google translate and helps explain to you what I am doing by staying for a while at level 5587! In some sense, I am playing a different kind of game in order to more effectively help all of my team members progress as best they can to new levels. Leb Wohl! Cheers!

  • UncleBob2
    UncleBob2 Posts: 130
    edited October 2023

    @ElenaVorona A concrete examples of my leadership strategy is from the Dachs Delivery Service Session that started this morning.

    I first chose to make fish because no other team members were on that task.

    After 1 life I had made 70 fish:

    After 2 lives, I had made 131 fish, for about 65 fish per life. But another team member signed on to the “make fish” Team Task, so I let then do that and I shifted over to making striped candies.

    A couple members were working on the striped candies, but they had only made 28 wo far, and I decided to help them out:

    My first attempt using 5587 resulted in a total of 100 striped candies, or about 72 more.

    My second attempt resulted in 176 striped candies, or 76 more.

    My third attempt resulted in 256 striped candies, or about 80 more. By then I was out of lives and had to quit.

    But I hope this shows how I am using Current Level 5587 to facilitate the other tram members in completing the production type of team tasks.

  • ElenaVorona
    ElenaVorona Posts: 1,884
    edited October 2023


    I have many words and many objections that I would like to tell you because I do not agree with your tactics.

    But I'll ask you a simple question.

    If all members of your team find a "gold" level for themselves (as you chose level 5587 for you) and they act tactically like you, how many deliveries will your team collect?

    If they consider you their leader, who does everything as correctly as possible. They, too, can motivate this by the fact that at this “gold” level they bring maximum benefit to the team. But if they go further, they will bring less value to the team.

    Yes. As a leader, you lead them. But what will happen to your team if they really believe that your tactics are the best?

  • UncleBob2
    UncleBob2 Posts: 130
    edited October 2023

    @ElenaVorona My opinion is that each team member will hopefully learn to flexibly use any of these strategies depending on both the requirements of the Team Tasks that still have to be completed on the one hand, and the opportunities available at the precise Current Level that they are now at on the other hand. Ideally, I would like each team member when progressing to a new Current Level, to stop and first look at the status of the outstanding Team Tasks and then choose the one they can best contribute to before choosing the appropriate “helper” and starting the new Current Level. I think some of my team members may be actually doing that, but by no means all of them.

    But what would be very informative is exactly what strategies are actually used by the players whose teams have achieved 25 or more Dachs deliveries. Their personal accounts of their strategies would be very helpful for many of the teams who have a more difficult time with Dachs Delivery Service, including team Uncle Bob!

  • ElenaVorona
    ElenaVorona Posts: 1,884
    edited October 2023

    Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions. I wish you and your team success.

    I didn't get answers to all my questions. But this is enough for me, because there is no point in asking further.

    I am currently at level 4758. I have been trying for a long time not to waste levels in vain. If I am on a quest with fish or candy stripes, then I (like you) only collect them, but do not complete the level. But if I'm on a "100 Stars" or "30 Regular Levels" mission, then I try to complete new levels in order to move my team forward faster.

    I will never be at the same level for many months or years, because I can give my team more help if I move forward and not stagnate in one place. I will not give my team only fish if I see that I can give them tens or hundreds of stars.

    You said that such effective levels come across only once in 50-100 levels. You have more than a thousand levels ahead of you. But you don't budge. It's your decision. You have every right to act as you see fit.


    But if I got into your team as an ordinary player, then I would not stay in it for a long time.

    Good luck everyone.

  • UncleBob2
    UncleBob2 Posts: 130
    edited October 2023

    “Emergency Brake” for staying at the same CCFS level.

    IF you have found a good CCFS Current Level to do a DDS task, and you want to stay at that level to accomplish a DDS Team Task, you may be faced with the problem of accidentally winning that level and then not being able to use it again. One feature you should be aware of is an “Emergency Brake” set of button pushes that will allow you to exit a CCFS game before it is (unintentionally) completed:

    First, quickly press the gear-shaped button on the lower right:

    The screen shown below should immediately pop up, and you must quickly press the red “power off” button:

    That will exit the game in 3 seconds, but if hou wish to exit IMMEDIATELY you should quickly press the red “Quit Now” button:

    Hope this helps you stay at you CCFS Current Level if you wish to! Cheers!

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