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Once upon a time, and many years ago ……………………….. (Olivia)

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,531
edited May 2020 in Candy Friends Stories

In the Candy Kingdom, lived this cute pink octopus called Olivia. 

She is a marine biologist and likes to wear a sailor hat.  She is adventurous, tough and a great multitasker.  Her morning routine involves a spin in the washing machine.

She has a really good friend called Tiffi who helps her out in some difficult situations.  For instance, when her boat was broken Tiffi was able to fix it with bubblegum.  When she got entangled by seawood Tiffi was able to untangle her.  At one time she wanted to study about sharks but was afraid to look at a drawn shark closely.  Tiffi gave her a shark hat so she was able to blend in safely.

Not too long ago, the characters in the Candy Crush Friends Saga community had a fashion show.  She participated with the rest of the characters but she was a bit sad because she didn’t have any outfits to show off like the rest of them. 

She helped them backstage and when the show ended Elsa, the MC, brought her out along with Bubblegum Troll and Rachel so that she could introduce them to the audience.  Elsa was really sweet mentioning that they were volunteers but more than just that.  They were so helpful with everything backstage. 

When the V.I.P. guests went backstage to meet with the graphic designers, Elsa walked over to Olivia because she looked so very sad.

“Oliva are you okay?” Elsa questioned.  “I noticed that you were so bubbly the entire time that you were helping backstage so why are you so sad now?”

Olivia sniffled and wiped her nose.  She doesn’t want to ruin anyone’s time, but Elsa wouldn’t let it go.  She wanted Olivia to talk to her.

“I am feeling a little sad,” says Olivia.  “It didn’t bother me that I didn’t have any outfits like all the others, but when I started to read the comments that the players wrote about me in the community that is when I started to feel sad.  They all wanted to know why I don’t have any outfits like the others.  I don’t know what to tell them.”

Elsa truly understood how Olivia was feeling.

“If you could have an outfit created just for you, what would you want it to be,” Elsa says. 

Filled with excitement, Olivia shares her thoughts.

“I think I want to be a graphic artist and help the team create some levels.  And then if I am good enough, maybe I can help them also create new outfits for all the characters.”

“That’s a wonderful idea,” says Elsa.  “Have you ever done any artistic work at all?  Sometimes you need to have a portfolio of your work if you apply for a job.”

“I can speak French,” says Olivia.  “Bonjour mon amis. Comment ça va aujourd'hui?  How do you like my Parisian beret?”

Elsa doesn’t want to tell Olivia that having a Parisian hat and knowing a couple of French phrases won’t  make her a graphic artist.

Tiffi knows Olivia very well and had once mentioned to Elsa that Olivia is a natural-born musician, singer and comedienne, she is a versatile and ambitious octopus with a dream in her heart.  She loves to cook and is always ready with a song or a delicious dish to lift everyone's spirits.

“Olivia, I heard that you are a natural-born musician and you love to sing,” Elsa says.  “Why not become a famous singer?  You have to follow your dreams.  Let’s try this.  Close your eyes, and think for a minute, what dream pops up into your head? What do you really love to do the most?”

Olivia opens her eyes.  She thinks for a second and then tells Elsa that she always wanted to be an actress.  But now she's not sure that she wants to do that anymore.   Suddenly she starts to get excited as she thinks about becoming a singer. 

“Yes, that’s it,” Olivia says out loud.  I want to be a Rockstar.  My good friend, Red Rabbit, just became a Rockstar and he performed at the fashion show.  I have to call him and ask him if could tour with him and I can be the opening act for his show.”

So that’s it!  Olivia is now excited that maybe the studio can create a Rockstar outfit for her.  

Wait a minute!  Olivia wants the players to know that there is a contest going on in the Friends community right now. 

 Win 20 Gold bars - What costume for Olivia? 
You have until Monday 4th of November, 13pm CET to participate! 
What are you waiting for?  Click on the link and suggest a costume for her!


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