how do I play candy crush friends I cant find a link to download
How do I find a link to play candy crush friends
the cookie craze
Why is it that after attempting level 10 one can NOT win after playing it 87 times. I am pretty much fed up with this game! I still have the same game issue from 2 years ago that has never been resolved. It still takes over 40 tries just to complete one bloody level. I can not be bothered anymore with even speaking on here…
How do I join candy crush friends
how do I join I don’t see anywhere where to sign up Thanks.
Bekomme nie leben von meinen Freunden warum nicht
My Game Crashes!!
Hi, community... So you see, my game always crashes when it starts to load and after I've signed in, my phone is an Android 10. I rly need help coz I've tried everything and don't know what to do. Plz help!!😭😭
How can I make Mr. Yeti disappear?
I am stuck on Level 4099. No matter what I do, I can't win and move on to the next level. It's even more aggravating to see Mr. Yeti in the upper right hand corner frowning or covering his face when I make the wrong move. Don't tell me to buy more gold bars or more moves. I am sick of spending money on Candy Crush and I…
I'm new user here, what can I do?!
I'm new user here, what can I do?
(ENDED) 😏 Put on your Poker face for a chance to win gold 💰
Howdy Friendly Candy Crushers! In this contest, your challenge is to score 50 points with final scores that are Poker hands. 📋 Rules 👇 You can play any level above 100 or any level in the current special event (Olivia's Wild West Splash). You may play with any Friend in any costume. Each final score must be from a…
No está sirviendo adecuadamente la app
perdí todo lo que llevaba en actividades y demás no funciona adecuadamente y algunas compras no se evidenciaron
Can't play thru Facebook
Using Windows 10 and it says there is a problem to log in with facebook, right now I am playing on windows itself and not able to buy coins.